Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Two Covid-19 Variants Have Merged Into A Heavily Mutated Coronavirus

New Scientist: Exclusive: Two variants have merged into heavily mutated coronavirus 

The UK and California variants of coronavirus appear to have combined into a heavily mutated hybrid, sparking concern that we may be entering a new phase of the covid-19 pandemic 

Two variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes covid-19 have combined their genomes to form a heavily mutated hybrid version of the virus. 

The “recombination” event was discovered in a virus sample in California, provoking warnings that we may be poised to enter a new phase of the pandemic. 

The hybrid virus is the result of recombination of the highly transmissible B.1.1.7 variant discovered in the UK and the B.1.429 variant that originated in California and which may be responsible for a recent wave of cases in Los Angeles because it carries a mutation making it resistant to some antibodies. 


Anonymous said...

Britain has had it worse economic performance in 300 years and the editor wants to do his part in promoting the panic porn.

Why not go to Dark Ages of economic growth? We can do it with more lockdowns. My mother definitely is braver than the editor.

Anonymous said...

Fourth wave!?!?! What happened to the third wave?

Anonymous said...

2nd wave August September (school re-openings; lockdowns expiring)

3rd wave Winter

4th wave Necessary because the politicians do not have all you stuff yet.

With telomerase, gene editing, and clean living become widespread, I will think that of 65 to 100 year old dying is cause for concern. Until then these Von Muchausen by proxy types can FUCK OFF!