Monday, February 8, 2021

U.K. Ministry of Defence May Eliminate Military Ranks Such As Rifleman And Guardsman In Their War On 'Sexism'

The Ministry of Defence is considering changing the titles of certain ranks to make them more inclusive by replacing the suffix man with person 

 * The Ministry of Defence is currently drawing up an 'inclusive language guide' 
 * Insiders speculate after review senior ranks will no longer be addressed as 'sir' 
 * The army has several ranks such as guardsman and rifleman using the word man 
 * This could result in ranks being changed to guardsperson or rifleperson 

Military ranks such as rifleman and guardsman could be scrapped as defence chiefs embrace gender- neutral language. 

The Ministry of Defence is drawing up an ‘inclusive language guide’ that could change many traditional titles and terms for the Army and Royal Navy. 

There is even speculation among some in the Armed Forces that the drive to modernise the services could mean personnel no longer address senior ranks as ‘sir’. 

The Army has several ranks that include the word man, such as guardsman, used by the Brigade of Guards, and rifleman, which dates back to the 19th Century and the war against Napoleon. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: You would think the Ministry of Defence has better things to do.


Anonymous said...

Deep Staters in any country are devoted to breaking everything good to have.

"Biden's Military Transgender Policy Will Inflict Massive Damage on Our Military"

Soon liberal women everywhere will be wetting their panties, when the language is so debased and they are no longer considered women but replacement cogs for the machinery that the elites run.

Anonymous said...

Watch the performance measurments climb.

Anonymous said...

God save the...person with the crown?

Unknown said...

Guardsman, Rifleman, Marine, Driver, Trooper were all called Privates at one point before being issued unique titles. Its just chipping away at more of a countries institutions. If the Guards Mafia don't want it to happen it won't. A hundred years ago the USSR infiltrated all of Britain's top universities. They turned a lot of the children of the establishment against Britain. I reckon there's more than a few posh communists still in British education, politics, the news media etc. They're still trying to change the country even tho the USSR doesn't exist anymore. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

you see here a nation cutting its own throat.