Sunday, February 14, 2021

US Reports Lowest Number Of New Weekly COVID Cases Since October. But Thousands Of Americans Are Still Dying Every Week

Daily Mail: US reports the lowest number of new weekly COVID cases since OCTOBER as Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer, 24, joins the 11% of Americans who've had their first vaccine dose and jokes 'it did not implant my genius father into my brain' 

 * There were just over 650,000 new COVID-19 infections reported in the US in the seven days to February 13; that is the lowest weekly number since October 
 * Death and hospitalization numbers are also down significantly from numbers recorded last week 
 * While numbers may be dropping following the end of the holiday season, they are still far higher than they were during spring and summer surges of 2020 
 * Officials are cautioning that Americans are still not out of the woods, particularly as the vaccine rollout remains quite sluggish 
 * As of Saturday, around 37.1 million Americans have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine; that number represents just 11 percent of the population 
 * At the current rate it will take until November for 90 percent of Americans to be partially vaccinated  
 * Bill Gates' daughter, Jennifer, was among those who received her first shot on Friday 
 * The medical student joked about conspiracy theories claiming her father was using the vaccines to inject microchips into members of the public 

The number of COVID-19 infections being reported in the United States continues to decrease, with the country seeing its lowest weekly case numbers since last October. 

There were just over 650,00 new infections reported in the seven days to February 13, according to The COVID Tracking Project. That total represents a 22.3 percent decrease from the number reported last week. 

Hospitalization rates have also deceased 15.7 percent from last week, while deaths are down 13.8 percent in the past seven days. 

However, officials are cautioning that the country is not out of the clear yet. 

The numbers currently being reported are still far higher than they were during the spring and summer surges of 2020. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Cases may be going down, but thousands of Americans are still dying everyday (see above graph). What does not help is that it also looks like the the U.K. variant that is becoming more prevalent in the U.S. is also deadlier .... Covid-19: U.K.-Based Variant Is Probably More Lethal, Scientists Say (New York Times). 


Anonymous said...

If or when the CDC gets real and stop being jackasses and grifters, they can start counting corona cases like they do influenza cases.

It costs more doing actual cell cultures, but it is also honest.

COVID deaths are overstated by 3X or 4X.

Anonymous said...

your evidence?

Anonymous said...

Why has flu and pneumonia deaths all but disappeared? In a normal year 10’s of thousand Americans die from both combined.
Hospitals get govt money for each Wuhan patient, zero for flu patients.

So I don’t believe the death and infection numbers are accurate. In any case deaths is a trailing indicator so if infections steadily drop , in about three weeks so too will deaths steadily drop.

Anonymous said...

Biden is doing nothing this weekend except playing video games!

Biden playing Mario Kart at Camp David.

Mario Kart is a very cerebral game.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you know what Biden is doing...he works daily and has done a lot while the prior goofball was reading comics and playing golf

Anonymous said...

Trump is showing no signs of going away, saying in a statement after the trial concluded that the MAGA movement was just getting started. But Republicans say he has a diminished following and competition for the party’s top spot.

“He's made it pretty difficult to gain support. As you can tell, there's some support that will never go away, but I think that is a shrinking population and probably shrinks a little bit after this week,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who has aligned himself closely with Trump since being elected in 2018.

Sen. Mike BraunMichael BraunGOP senators praise impeachment managers but say Trump will be acquitted Senate panel advances Biden's education and labor secretary picks LIVE COVERAGE: Democrats focus on Trump remarks before attack on Capitol MORE (R-Ind.), asked about the chance that Trump would take a victory lap, floated that Trump should carefully consider his next steps.

“I think whatever the president intends to do in the future would take a lot of soul searching. ... I am more concerned about how we rebuild the party in a way that brings in more people to it,” added Braun, who voted to acquit Trump.

The shifting underscores how Trump's actions have deeply fractured Senate Republicans in the wake of Jan. 6, with GOP senators saying Trump shouldn’t feel vindicated just because he was acquitted of inciting an insurrection.

The shifts were on full display in recent days: Most Republicans have been careful not to defend Trump personally, members of the caucus have privately discussed whether there would be enough support to censure the president and the seven GOP senators who voted to convict Trump spanned fiscal conservative to moderates.

“The president has very badly damaged his reputation. ... He’ll be remembered throughout history as the president who resorted to nonlegal steps to try to hold on to power,” Sen. Pat Toomey

Anonymous said...

More evidence was provided than you ever did. It's known who you are.

Anonymous said...

Once again our kindergarten cut and paste artist was flushed from cover.

Naomi Biden the grand daughter in question is 27. It is so sweet that a 27 y/o and a geriatric case would play Mario Kart.

Sure Biden has gotten more done as a dictator with his EO's many of which are illegal or ill advised.

It is not hard to imagine that a presdient golfing is relax9ng but at the same tmne conducting business.

Does not everyone believe that when people who make 6 figures or more a year are on the golf course they do not conduct at least a little bit of business even if it is nothing more than team building?

If the ancient TOTUS reader was conducting the nation's business with 27 year old Naomi, then we all have cause for concern.

Joe Biden (aka Plugs), the human autopen conducts as much business anywhere as 5:38, the copy and paste artist, engages in original thought.

Anonymous said...

Sure Biden does. Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Keep wishing and hoping!