Wednesday, February 17, 2021

White House Says It Will 'Respond' To Missile Attack In Iraq That Injured Americans At A 'Time And Place Of Our Choosing'


Five Americans were injured and the U.S. says it's assessing who's responsible. 

The Biden administration said it is still assessing who is responsible for a rocket attack that injured five Americans and killed one foreign contractor working for the U.S. in Iraq. 

But it reserves "the right to respond at the time and place of our choosing," according to the White House and State Department, amid questions about Iran's role in another attack on U.S. forces in its neighboring country. 

WNU Editor: Do not take too long to respond. There are a lot of eyes in the Middle East looking to see what the U.S. will do.

 More News On the White House Saying It Will 'Respond' To Missile Attack In Iraq That Injured Americans 


Anonymous said...

I was wishing they would not respond. One American was injured and o0ne non-American contractor died. Do you respond when one American soldier gets injured. I think you should almost always respond due to injuy or death.

The death of the contractor is not a big deal. First, they are a contractor. If the contracts had been American and a veteran ... well we know what Democrats think of veterans. They are white supremacists. The death of a contractor is not BFD as Slow Joe would say since the media has not bothered to find out who the contractor was. What was their nationality?

Retaliation? I have no confidence China Joe nor the hack Kamala. Generals can present choices to them, but I do not trust the political generals. I don't trust Austin. I don't trust Congress to stick with any tit for tat.

What did we do in Lebanon? WNU is very emphatic that when the Russian got hurt in Lebanon, the Russian hurt Hezbollah bad enough that they did not want a repeat. The US? Most Americans cannot identify the American who got hurt or died. Which gets back to the I do not think the American military-political establishment will stick with it.

fazman said...

5 injured 1 dead..all a big deal, requires a 10 fold reply

Anonymous said...

I agree fazman. It requires 10 fold reply.

Thing is I do not think the US leaders will convincingly escalate enough. If they reply and it is less than 10 fold, then it is in essence them folding.


The world is watching. Projecting strength is as important now as it has ever been.

Anonymous said...

I greatly enjoy knowing these groups are sweating. Not knowing when or where or who.

Amp1776 said...

Prolly gonna dump a plane full of cash on them....