Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Why Is President Biden Trying To Explain Away China Human Rights Violations?

WNU Editor: “Culturally there are different norms” ?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!? This is embarrassing.


Unknown said...

The Manchurian Candidate. Keep ducking. Especially in Taiwan. 🙉

Bausaar said...

Why is that absurd? Chinese are different in every way, its like russians in western europe, russian mentality is so diametral to western standards and so is the chinese... you can spot a russian like you can spot a chinese easily, they are cultural different to us, they need to be governed the way they are.His remark is just an statement thats correct, they are different, so if you dont live in a globalist ideology bubble where everybody is the same you should at least admit that, Biden is right on that one.

By the way its not just chinese, russians, arabs or africans they all not ready for full democratic leadership, some still need to go a long way. i m talking about 100 years for some of our cultural inhabitants of our planet. They just doing it in their speed, but personally I dont think that our democratic society is superior to their way of governing at least not in every case. For example a autocratic governed societies can act faster on virus outbreaks or war and so I want to live in such a society definatly No.

Good day

Anonymous said...


MILWAUKEE, Wis. (Reuters) - China will pay a price for its human rights abuses, U.S. President Joe Biden warned on Tuesday, responding to queries at a televised event on the Asian nation's handling of Muslim minorities in its far western region of Xinjiang.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has drawn global criticism for holding the minority Uighurs in internment camps and other human rights abuses.

"Well, there will be repercussions for China and he knows that," Biden said of Xi, when pressed on the issue at the town hall event televised on broadcaster CNN.

The United States will reassert its global role in speaking up for human rights, Biden said, adding that he would work with the international community to get China to protect them.

"China is trying very hard to become a world leader and to get that moniker and be able to do that they have to gain the confidence of other countries," Biden said on his first official trip since taking office as president in January.

"As long as they are engaged in activity that is contrary to basic human rights, it is going to be hard for them to do that," he added.

In a two hour phone call with Xi this month, Biden emphasized the U.S. priority of preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region, where the United States and China are major strategic rivals.

He also voiced concern about Beijing’s "coercive and unfair" trade practices and rights issues, such as its Hong Kong crackdown, the Xinjiang internments, and increasingly assertive actions in Asia, including toward Taiwan, which China claims as its own.

(Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by Jacqueline Wong and Clarence Fernandez)

Copyright 2021 Thomson Reuters.

Anonymous said...

Copy and Paste Artist posted at 8:26. It probably was Fred Lapides.

Let's get real. Joe Biden defended China, because his billionaire, big business NBA donors make a lot of money off prison labor or common criminals and Uighurs.

Joe like the servile skeeezer that he is asked "How high to jump? Mark Cuban told him how High.

Anonymous said...

what is embarrassing is your attempt to diss Biden when he takes a strong stand against not just China but also Trump's pal Putin

get real? READ what Biden has just said about human rights and China and stop the jerking off

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day, Joe will not lower the trade imbalance with China. The billionaire donor of the Democrat party will remit of portion of the China money to the DNC capos. Uighurs will still die. None will be saved.

In addition China Joe will let the CCP invade our electrical grid.

You (9:19) will still get paid to post. That is you will post until the CCP shutdown the American electrical grid and then you will become a growler or your boss will give you a holiday to got outside and enjoy the sights and sounds of Beijing.

Anonymous said...

A strong stand against China.
You write great comedy!

Anonymous said...

It was a strong stand. Joe pushed back real hard.