Thursday, March 18, 2021

First U.S.-China Meeting Ends With Both Sides Clashing In Public


 * The first high-level gathering of U.S. and Chinese officials under President Joe Biden kicked off with an exchange of insults at a pre-meeting press event Thursday, according to NBC News. 
 * The two-day talks are set to conclude Friday. 

BEIJING — The first high-level gathering of U.S. and Chinese officials under President Joe Biden kicked off with an exchange of insults at a pre-meeting press event Thursday. 

A planned four-minute photo session for the officials to address reporters ended up lasting one hour and 15 minutes due to a frothy exchange, NBC said. Both the Chinese and U.S. side kept calling the reporters back into the room so they could add remarks. 

Expectations were already low for the meeting in Alaska with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi, director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chinese Communist Party. 

WNU Editor: WOW! A planned four-minute photo session for the officials to address reporters ending up lasting one hour and 15 minutes because reporters were always being called in so that more remarks can go on the record. 

These talks are going to go nowhere. Or to put it more bluntly. These talks are turning into a disaster. 

For these talks to go anywhere the leaders of both China and the U.S. are the ones who are suppose to be talking in this room in Alaska, not their subordinates. But it was the Americans who set conditions for these talks. No direct Xi-Biden talks. And this is what we now have. 

I read earlier this week that White House officials were overjoyed that the Chinese had agreed to their condition of having this first meeting take place on U.S. soil. That by this act the Americans had placed the Chinese in a "subservient position" .... to look weak by accepting the US demand to meet on US soil instead of some other neutral nation. 

My take is different, and it is based on dealing with the Chinese for over 3 decades and knowing too well on how the Chinese handle difficult diplomatic situations like this one. 

I am willing to bet that the Chinese made a calculation that these talks were going to go nowhere. Maybe even a complete breakdown as we have witnessed this week between the U.S. and Russia. 

If the worst case scenario does play out tonight and tomorrow, and it looks like it will, I can now see the Chinese going home satisfied that this disaster did not happen on Chinese soil. Appearance and face is everything for the Chinese, and the Chinese never want diplomatic failures to happen on their home soil. 

And here is my prediction. 

The next time there is a major summit/meeting between China and the U.S. it will be on Chinese soil and on their conditions. And the outcome will be different. 

 More News On the U.S. - China Summit In Alaska 


Anonymous said...

And here is my prediction.

The next time there is a major summit/meeting between China and the U.S. it will be on Chinese soil and on their conditions. And the outcome will be different.

1) The American side kind of has to give in on that or appear petty. They had "home tram": advantage with the 1st meeting and now they have to return the favor.

I wish the American side had been smarter. Phillipines, Vietnam or Indonesia would have been better.

2) The Americans had to insist on no Xi-Biden meeting and the Chinese know it and they know why. SO by giving in the Chinese now have a chip they can cash for the next round and the Americans have to cash it or look petty.

At least we showed them. We showed the Chinese how America is about equality. Yes siree Bob! We gave those unfortunate Chinese diplomats both barrels. They were exposed to a white clown and a black clown. Those poor Chinese diplomats will have to undergo serious mental decontamination now and months of therapy.

RussInSoCal said...

Oh boy! Biden's presser is shaping up to be a real humdinger! It's beginning to be a lot more to inquire about than they bargained for.

On the bright side, we can definitely expect to learn a lot more about his unsocialized adoption GSD. Maybe more on Biden's visits to the Irish embassy on St. Patrick's Day's past

/What are the odds they cancel it?



Jac said...

I don't think so. This meeting was made for an official clash. This will help for further action.

Blackdog said...

I agree with Jac. The Americans did not expect anything to come out of these meeting. The Chinese pre-conditions for resuming normal relations are totally unacceptable to the Americans. This is a photo op for the Americans to talk straight and look tough to the Chinese and US allies.

Anonymous said...

The photo op will only impress 1/3rd to 2/3rds of Americans.

If war breaks out 80% of Americans will hate Joe Biden and company. Instead of posing like the 2 fools from 1 night of the Roxbury, Blinky and Austin should have been in Phillipines, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Want to bottle up the Chinese fleet and have a 50/50 chance of turning the South China sea into a o Chinese ship graveyard then keep Phillipines and Taiwan.

The two clowns in Alaska were in the wrong place. But look at the bright side. They stole Fauci's thunder. So there is that.

Jac said...

Anon 1:32 AM,

What are you smoking??

Anonymous said...

The Chinese wouldn't have dared this under Trump

Unser Trump they only dared to poison the world and your kids with a bio weapon