Saturday, March 27, 2021

German Health Officials Warn Germany's 3rd Wave Could Be 'Worse' Than The Last 2

Germany's infection rate is climbing rapidly again in a resurgence blamed partly on the British variant of the disease, with the daily average reaching 15,000 cases today
Deaths are lower than at the winter peak but would be likely to climb again if cases reached a record 100,000 per day, a figure never seen in Europe
DW: COVID: Germany's 3rd wave could be 'worse' than last 2 

With cases rising again, Health Minister Jens Spahn has said Germany's health system could be pushed to its limits in April. Meanwhile, the head of the public health body warned that cases could reach 100,000 per day. 

German health officials warned on Friday that the current increase in coronavirus cases is likely going to be "harder to curb" than the previous two, in large part because of the more virulent and more easily transmitted B117 variant. 

The comments from Lothar Wieler, the head of Germany's Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases (RKI), and Health Minister Jens Spahn come at the end of a turbulent week, as officials scramble to slow infection numbers. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: My friends in Europe are all freaking out. With the exception of a few countries. All of Europe is now heading into a 2 - 3 month lockdown.

 More News On German Health Officials Warning Germany's 3rd Wave Could Be 'Worse' Than Last 2 


Anonymous said...

"It came from a food market" -WHO and CCP ca. 2021

"We will drown you in the night waves of the Corona virus if you don't stop complaining about PPE" -CCP ca. March 2020


Those that enslave us.

Those that push the passports and mark us like animals.

Those who conducted the gain of function research against medical pressure from the public.
Long prison sentences.

Those are just suggestions, of course.

BUT we need to publicly and loudly talk about the penalty. So those who walk in the shadows and are still hidden know the penalty. We're reasonable people. Come forward now and mercy will be yours.

This is by far the largest crime against humanity in human history.

Anonymous said...

"Mighty waves" -- not night waves

Smartphones, yeah right