US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has raised his voice over China's moves to repress democracy and rights in Hong Kong. Image: Xinhua
Jeff Pao, Asia Times: US, China on collision course headed to Alaska
US expected to raise Hong Kong and Xinjiang rights issues while China focuses on trade and tech at next week's Alaska meeting
HONG KONG – The United States and China have started debating the agenda for their meeting in Alaska on March 18, with both sides trading recriminations over human rights, trade and other rancorous issues.
On Friday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US condemns China’s continuing assault on democratic institutions in Hong Kong.
“The National People’s Congress (NPC) decision to unilaterally change Hong Kong’s electoral system is a direct attack on autonomy promised to people in Hong Kong under the Sino-British Joint Declaration,” Blinken said.
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WNU Editor: I have a bad feeling about this high-level U.S. - China meeting next week. Both sides are attacking each other publicly right now, and I see no common ground on any of the key issues.
We had negotiation with USSR, why not with China? That said we have to strong on our value.
With the amount of espionage on both sides, industrial espionage, theft of intellectual property committed by China I think there has always been a cold war between these countries. Is the Covid release accidental? If so did the CCP then decide to spread it worldwide when they knew what they had on their hands? Or was it a deliberate release in China to make a Bioweapon attack on the world look like an accident? Will it go hot to a major degree is the question. If the CCP are of the opinion that the USA has weaklings in charge at most or every level, then they might risk military action to attain goals including showing the world who's boss if they think they have a good chance of getting away with it. Keep ducking 🙉
Is the Covid release accidental? If so did the CCP then decide to spread it worldwide when they knew what they had on their hands? Or was it a deliberate release in China to make a Bioweapon attack on the world look like an accident?
Is the Covid release accidental? If so did the CCP then decide to spread it worldwide when they knew what they had on their hands? If you round up 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000 people simple because they are dissidents, you get a black eye. Maybe a serious one. If you round them up during COVID and us COVID as a cover, the government looks heroic, has no backlash for killing dissidents, and it reinforce centralized government. Never let a crisis go to waste. Western liberals have seen this and are copying CCP totalitarian tactics.
If you ask a Chinese citizen, if a person was disappeared during the COVID emergency or died in quarantine of COVID, 90% or more will believe the latter.
I think the COVID is a bust. Why? Because all the 0 to 3 victims dead every day in 3 county area, where I live, are people I normally expect to be in the obits.
Maybe COVID is worse than The strain going through Europe is 64% more deadly. I do not no what that means. It could many several things. People could be weaker from quarantine. Sort of like being bed ridden, but not quite as bad. People may have increasing BMI, less exercise, and are pastier. So they are more disease prone.
When I read about generics of a species, Sometimes you see a phrase like "the genes are highly conserved due to environmental pressure ..." That would be a stable equilibrium.
Are COVID gene highly conserved or not? Is it a stable or unstable equilibrium?. If it is unstable it could get worse or it could go out with a whimper.
All these poly sci majors, JDs, public administration goofs and others go off on it might mutate. OMG! We're doomed. Sure it might mutate. Some mutations are dead ends. Some mutations turn tigers into miniature terriers nipping at your heels. Some are more deadly, but more deadly viruses are usually more amenable to quarantine and the effects if quarantine are apparent. Wen the goofs panic about mutations, I want to know what kind of equilibrium and other things.
This isn't a negotiation, its a client receiving instructions from their paymaster.
The truth about Biden
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
Just a little pinprick.
There'll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!
But you may feel a little sick.
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working. Good.
That'll keep you going for the show.
Come on it's time to go."
Bidon won. Trump lost. Why?
sing that tune
Is the Us the one country were an election cannot be stolen?
From my perspective Biden is an illegitimate president. The media did actively suppress information about his most serious corruption and compromised position due to his son's pedo and crack habits, not to speak the least of the multi million he kicked back to uncle Joe coming directly from China and CCP connected circles.
It's not my country but this smells like a hostile takeover. Just think of the Chinese thousand talents program. With far less than a thousand compromised people, from academia, schools, health and science, business and politics.. combined with years of informational and incited class, race and gender cultural warfare, amplified by the economic despair this virus "from a food market " in China caused.
Just miraculously. How the virus forced the use of mail in ballots, prone to fraud. But yeah... if your military doesn't stand up to this betrayal and doesn't protect you from this servile corrupt pedo creep, then I don't know. I guess America has fallen and something sinister replaces it. Some demonic Pelosi cult where lies and gender and race warfare are pushed all day. The damage the left has done to your country, from my perspective, looking at your image in the world... it's really horrific.
The world loved trump as he promoted your own good and people root for that as they want to see you thrive. But..The global media hated him. Think about why.
Who benefits from a divided America that has porous borders, chaotic deadly mega cities like Detroit and Chicago and Philadelphia and now NYC.... all Democrat run hell holes, bailed out again and again by the federal government. The states are sending billions to their favourite NGOs often doing nothing. Complete corruption. Now they even intimidate poll watchers.
It's horrible to watch.
By the way you realise that the people who give you the news cnn MSNBC NBC wapo WaPo nytimes etc all are owned by global companies... but you think of them as American... cnn is owned by time Warner and at&t/ Disney etc .. their stake in China is much bigger than in the US.. especially their future stake. To keep their access and keep their investors happy and deliver on that growth they obviously made deals with their Chinese overlords. Same in Hollywood. Same in Academia.
You're being slowly boiled and the dumb wits at CNN think they're smart and deep. They get their marching orders from Zucker in the morning briefings, we all heard them at project veritas , I assume, and he -zucker- has a similar meeting with his bosses on Macau, while they do blow with Chinese hookers and go gambling. Wtf do you think is happening?!
It really is simple I'll help you, the election was stolen and the result lied about. Oh yeah Biden is spelled with an e not an o.
He meant to type Joe Bidone.
It was a Freudian slip on his part. He knows the geezer is on the way out.
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