Monday, March 22, 2021

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 22, 2021


US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin has said the Biden administration wants to see "a responsible end" to America's longest war, in Afghanistan, but that the level of violence must drop for "fruitful" diplomacy to have a chance. 

With questions swirling about how long US troops will remain in the country, Mr Austin — on his first visit to Afghanistan as Pentagon chief — said that "in terms of an end date or setting a specific date for withdrawal, that's the domain of my boss".

 Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 22, 2021 

Study: NATO Needs Its Own Bank -- National Defense 


Anonymous said...

Democrats have legalized property theft.

Now, they are legalizing strong arm robbery and mugging.

Anonymous said...

Democrats have priorities.

Biden Offers Hotel Rooms for Illegals, but Let the National Guard Sleep in a Parking Garage

Biden Offers Hotel Rooms for Illegals, but Let the National Guard Sleep in a Parking Garage

Anonymous said...

The left is just pathetic

The left media is truly the enemy of the pepole. .Constanyly lying and misinforming you, dividing you across race and gender lines. Who does that? What demonic souls do they have?

The world would be so much better off without these liars and dividers and war enablers. But for their skin and flesh they wear, they couldn't be more alien to you and I.

If you read this as white black brown or some funky coloured dude or lady, know this:THEY are your enemy, not your fellow brother or sister or even gender neutral bag of doritos.

THEY are the dividers
they are the fascists, the ones who manipulate words and hate jokes and comedians (unless authorised by them)
THEY are the control freaks
THEY are the criminals
THEY are the tyrants
THEY are the ones pushing the lock down
THEY are the ones pushing the vaccines and passports

THEY truly are the enemy of mankind.

Maybe we have been taken over by space aliens, I don't know. ..but they're not human like you or I.

No human would act in such a way. This filthy corrupt all consuming demonic collaboration between them.

At your expense.
At your childrens expense.

They will go on with this hate for eternity.

If we let them.

Anonymous said...

I would support abolishing the US broadcast media by suspending their broadcast licenses, and allowing the print media to continue. But Democrats love the broadcast media--they are their strong allies.