Friday, March 19, 2021

NBC Report: Biden Administration Considering 6-Month Extension For US troops In Afghanistan


(CNN)The Biden administration is considering a six-month extension for American troops in Afghanistan, just weeks before the May 1 deadline that the Trump administration had negotiated with the Taliban to withdraw all US forces from the country, according to a defense official. 

No final decision has been made, the official emphasized. 

NBC News first reported that a six-month extension is under consideration. The official noted that the US will want to get the Taliban to agree to the extension. 

Other options are still on the table, including a full withdrawal by May 1, but a sign of President Joe Biden's current thinking came this week when he told ABC News he didn't think it would "take a lot longer," and said a full withdrawal by May 1 "could happen, but it is tough." 

WNU Editor: Someone better tell the Taliban on what the US President is thinking .... Taliban expect US withdrawal, vow to restore Islamic rule (AP). More here .... Afghanistan on brink of total carnage as Taliban threatens all-out war if Biden doesn’t withdraw troops by May 1 (The SUN)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

6 month extension will be longer if they have not started to move stuff out by the end of the 3 moth mark.

If we leave the US will be adjudged to have lost.

If area occupied by Pakistan had no Pakistanis and was just mountains, plains and deserts, the Taliban would have been defeated long ago. m The Taliban would have retreated into no man's land; they would have ben chased and they would have been killed or captured.

This war is all about Pakistan. It always has been.

Unless we want to defeat Pakistan politically, economically, diplomatically, militarily or culturally, there is no use being in Afghanistan.

And yes it is all about Pakistan. They created the Taliban. They supply it now.

Remember "The Airlift of Evil". It did not stop after that.

Unless we want to save ourselves the trouble of having a Task Force Smith for the Chinese to roll over.

I mean we would have one ready made sitting all purty in Bagram valley for them.

Can the Chines project more power through Xinjiang to Afghanistan or can the US project more power through a hostile or neutral Pakistan?

It is a question that must be asked.

Oh and we do not need Afghanistan for REE.

We do however need a good track record with allies