Tuesday, March 16, 2021

President Biden To Hold His First News Conference On March 25


 * Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday 
 * 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said 
 * Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference 
 * He has taken questions informally from the press 
 * That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference 
 * Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office 

Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday, the White House announced on Tuesday amid criticism about the amount of time it has taken the president to hold a formal question and answer session with the press.

'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. 

Press conferences are ways for public officials to be held accountable for actions they are taking and policies they are implementing. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Will this be a wide-open news conference? I doubt it. I expect a lot of soft-ball questions. And a few hard ones. This news conference will also be held in the afternoon. Not at prime time. 

 More News On President Biden Holding His First News Conference On March 25 


Jac said...

Even the first press conference will be "good", this will not avoid the debilitating condition of Biden. One day it will be obvious...and what after that?

Anonymous said...

Primetime, evening time, is sundown time for dementia sufferers.

HAs anyone seen Slow Joe after dark or after rush hour traffic?

Dementia Joe is like a reversed vampire. He can never come out after dark!

Anonymous said...

Sundowner does not go much past 20 minutes. So it should interesting to see, if he makes it to the 1/2 hour mark.

20 minutes of reading TOITUS or numbing followed by softball questions which are cut off abruptly?

Anonymous said...

8:33 Aka foreign agent or liberal dumbass troll,

Biden suffers from sundown effect or he does not. Fact. If Biden does not make to 2024, it call into question the integrity and honesty of the whole Democrat Party.

Biden is so sick he cannot due a meet and greet ahead of a White House ball. He would not last more than 30 minutes if all he had to do was stand their shake hand and say "Hello".

Fact, Joe has not been seen after dark.

People have always wondered about the civil wars of the Roman Empire. They wondered how they could've been so stupid to mess up Pax Romana. Many of us no longer wonder after seeing the last 4 years, but especially the last one year of Democrat Party antics.

I dare you to ask Joe Biden to count from 10 down to 1. He cannot do it. If you were able to ask a question at one of the fleeting and scarce Biden appearance. A Democrat plumber would find you.

Anonymous said...

Biden has taken command of a failed p[andemic effort and has ushered through a relief program that has support from repubs and Dems and your misfit did nothing but golf non stop and when he gave conferences he told lies nonstop.
where is the health program he promised?

Anonymous said...

You could get a job at the Washington Post with your lying.

Anonymous said...

There were already a million people a day being vaccinated under Trump. Biden inherited a great plan. In response Biden's people did the Roman damnatio memoriae thing or the effacing the hieroglyphics of a previous pharaoh.

Like Egypt like Rome like Washington DC.

There is nothing new under the Sun.

Anonymous said...

popularity at 2nd month into office: 60%
Trump: four years: 48%

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...