Friday, March 26, 2021

Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Complains Of Torture In Russian Prison


Jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny on Thursday accused Russian authorities of torture by depriving him of sleep in prison as his lawyer said his health has worsened with back pains and leg problems. 

Navalny, who is considered a flight risk by Russian authorities, said he is woken eight times per night by guards announcing to a recording camera that he is still in his cell. "Essentially I am being tortured through sleep deprivation," he said in a formal complaint released by his lawyers.

Navalny’s lawyer Olga Mikhailova said Navalny's condition has notably deteriorated in recent days. 

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WNU Editor: Russian prisons have a well deserved reputation of being hell-holes for those who find themselves serving time. I know only one person who served time in a Russian prison. A friend of my cousins who ended up serving 6 years for burglary. 

His descriptions of what he had to go through makes me shudder every-time that I think about it.

Alexei Navalny's concerns on his life and well being are completely justified.


Anonymous said...

So he went to jail and is being tortured for...? Travelling? Taking to foreigners? Omg what terrible crime^_^

kidd said...

Hell on earth

kidd said...

Is the fall of man

kidd said...


Anonymous said...

Putin is no different than Biden and Biden told us in the press conference that what a good guy he was. So, Putin is a good guy, too.

Putin is a bad guy because he is imprisoned Navalny. Democrats going after Trump is different you say? How many times have Democrats made shit up to imprison him? And they are still at it.

Anonymous said...

What@331pm said
Democrats are all corrupt criminals and no not much better than Putin.. and they show it every day.. the only thing worse is perhaps CNN, NY TIMES,.. I'd be so ashamed if I had worked there.. I'll make it a priority to never hire one from these divisive racist race- division promoting warmongering and fear pushing outlets.. they're the worst. How many lives have they all destroyed? Millions easily. They push even drugs that poison you on you. They're filth! And they want to lecture YOU. The audacity!

If you don't push back and punish this vile corrupt perverse cabal of scum, then you get what you deserve. It's almost biblical their corruption and filth they bring upon us all

All sex offenders.. just Google CNN sex scandals

Then Google millionaires in Congress and Senate..

They stole billions during the pandemic and sent billions abroad, while you got a tiny bit of the money you originally paid in taxes

They weaken the borders to weaken your rights by replacing you with competing cheap labour unknown and undemanding in God given rights s declared in your constitution.


On purpose. This is not about compassion for them. This is about making labour cheaper and important remove many rights.