Thursday, March 18, 2021

Russian President Putin Has Challenged President Biden To A Live Debate Online. White House Declines

Russian President Vladimir Putin takes part in a meeting with community representatives and residents of Crimea and Sevastopol via a video link in Moscow, Russia March 18, 2021. Sputnik/Reuters

Biden spoke out about the Russian president in an ABC News interview this week. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reacted to President Joe Biden calling him a "killer" by challenging Biden to take part in a conversation with him broadcast live online. 

“I’ve just thought of this now,” Putin told a Russian state television reporter. “I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called. Without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion. It seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States.”

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The White House has declined this Kremlin offer of a live debate .... White House shuts down Putin invite to public video chat, says Biden is ‘quite busy’ (NYPost). 

What's my take. This only reinforces the Kremlin's belief that the US President is suffering from the early onset of dementia. Even the AP is starting to notice (and report) how senior leaders in Russia see the US President .... 

.... Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council who served as president in 2008-2012 when Putin had to shift into the premier’s job because of term limits, said that “time hasn’t spared” the 78-year-old Biden and cited Sigmund Freud as saying, “Nothing costs so much in life as illness and stupidity.” 

And Andrei Turchak, the leader of the main pro-Kremlin United Russia party, described Biden’s remarks as a reflection of “the U.S. political marasmus and its leader’s dementia. (AP link here).

Update: ‘Biden is quite busy,’ WH spokeswoman says after Putin challenges US leader to live unscripted debate (RT)


Anonymous said...

Biden is just a puppet leader, you want to sit there and call Putin a killer when the moment Biden took office ISIS surged to life in Syria?

Bidens a coward, we see it with 2 months and no press interview, the whitehouse youtube page gets 5/10x the amount of dislikes as likes. For someone who got 80million votes, the highest in US history he sure doesnt seem that popular.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how long before Biden is dead and Vice Pres Harris takes over.

RussInSoCal said...

Putin smells weakness in Biden and his ribbing of Biden in this manner is textbook political mockery. The Dems look absurd with their non-stop Russian obsession. Based on a proven lie: the Russian Collusion Hoax, they're still consumed by it.

Now Biden will be hounded/shouted at - as he wonders off every speech podium - about this escalating diplomatic squabble. (again self-created, by the way)

Maybe by the time Biden is forced to give his "press conference", it'll ascend to the next "crisis".

/So much feces to step in, so little time

Anonymous said...

Back in August I figured there was a 55% to 60% chance of Biden winning, because any Democrat candidate has those odds. It takes a lot of effort to shave the handicap given to Democrats.

So it is not like I would get depressed on November 3rd with a loss. I am already usually depressed. There is an institutional and cultural bias form decades of propaganda and machine politics.

But the whole stop the presses at 2 in the morning in several state and then restarting counting when everyone is asleep was too much. Every thing was a gut punch until it was like a cartoon. It let up in the beginning of February, but now we are seeing The Deluge. It is like a cartoons again, where you are getting the shit kicked out of you.

Early 1980s sci-fi is here. See the movie "Looker". They deep faked a Biden press conference.

Biden will not appear in public longer than 10 or 20 minutes and/or take unscripted questions.

I knew the liberals with whom I went to college were mean, petty, vindictive know-it-alls. without a clue. Now, they are in charge. I do mean petty. The college Marxists kicked a book club off campus, because they were coking and joking at midnight while playing card games in the student union and it disrupted the young Stalins from thinking how they would take over student government. Sure enough they liberals swept into student government and kicked the book club out the same semester.

Spouse was shocked that gas process had gone up. They had not heard of Biden's Keystone XL pipeline EO.

Spouse did not know that the gas bill went up 5X. Showed'em. Did not explain that Obama put in rules that gas line pumping stations had to use electricity. So when the windmills stopped turning, the gas shut off. Obama really engineered that train wreck well.

Now we have a plastics shortage from the cold snap (among other things). Obama engineered that as well. Liberals do not understand where products come from, how they are made or supply chains. But dey is smart people because they know the most important trick in the book. Ballot harvesting.

There is the crisis at the border. 4 people on the terror watch list on the border, Rule of thumb is that for everyone you caught 3 got through.

Then there is demented Joe getting us in trouble with Iran, Russia and China and it has not even been 2 full months yet.

I hope the doctors violating their Hippocratic oaths to dope Biden up OD him. Joe won't flop over dead. Nah, what is going to happen is that his uptime is going to decrease after every big effort to prep him for a public appearance or a screen shoot. And they will short his like by 3 months, 6 months or up to 2 years. But hey just so long Team D has their hands in the till, that is what it is all about.

Jac said...

What a shame on us....

Anonymous said...

Lapides show your DD-214 and stop lying.