Thursday, March 18, 2021

Russian President Putin Replies To President Biden 'Killer' Comment By Saying It 'Takes One To Know One'


 * Vladimir Putin wished Joe Biden 'good health' in state TV interview 
 * 'I would say to him: I wish you good health,' Russian president said 
 * Veiled threat came after President Biden said in a sit-down with ABC News that Russia would pay for interfering in the 2020 U.S. election
 * 'He will pay a price,' Biden said of Putin, calling him a 'killer' with no soul 
 * Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said it was a 'very bad statement by the U.S. president' that made it clear that 'he doesn't want to normalize relations' 
 * Russia recalled Anatoly Antonov, its ambassador to the US, for urgent consultations over the future of US-Russia ties 

Vladimir Putin wished Joe Biden 'good health' on Thursday after the U.S. president called him a 'killer' - a description seen as an insult by the Russians and has escalated tensions between the two countries. 

The Russian president made the sinister quip in an interview on state TV. Western officials have accused Putin ordering the assassination attempt of his most vocal domestic critic, Aleksei Navalny, which Putin has denied. 

Putin gave his own strong response to Biden's 'killer' accusation, saying that 'it takes one to know one.' 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Putin's remarks caught my attention because that is how I also see people. Or to quote Buddha. When you are pointing a finger at someone, you are actually pointing three at yourself .... 

.... "It takes one to know one," Putin said in televised remarks, using a saying from his childhood.

 "That's not just a children's saying and a joke. There's a deep psychological meaning in this." 

 "We always see in another person our own qualities and think that he is the same as us." 

 Putin added that he wished Biden, 78, good health. "I'm saying this without irony, not as a joke." 

"When I was a kid, when we were arguing with each other in the playground, we used to say, 'Whatever you say [about others] is what you are yourself,'" Putin explained. 

Update: Here is an easy prediction. This is not going to happen .... Russia wants an apology from U.S. after Biden called Putin a killer, says Kremlin ally (Reuters). 

 More News On Russian President Putin's Reply To President Biden's 'Killer' Comment


Anonymous said...

Google: Biden Dog Shower

Joe Biden says he broke foot tripping after shower when he pulled dog’s tail

Come over here Rover!


Anonymous said...

Google: Biden + Dog + Shower ...

Anonymous said...

Why could not Biden simply said he tripped and fell?

Anonymous said...

What is it with Democrat leaders and showers?

Senator Leader Harry Reid got beat up by a shower door.

Joe Biden got out of a shower and ...

Anonymous said...

Imagine getting into fight with a shower door ... and LOSING!

that never gets old

Daniel said...

Okay, that was a good one (it takes one to know one). The anti-imperialist left in the West is going to love it.

kidd said...

Mental health bouth of u lost ur mind

kidd said...

Don't tell the kids

Anonymous said...

the girls having fun here to deflect from a simple truth:
Biden popularity in the 60% Trump in four years never went above 50.
Girls: tired of winning?

Anonymous said...

So you believe in truth now Lapides, did you put down your copy of the Washington Post to tell this lie? You are pathetic.
What lie is next?

Anonymous said...

Frederick R. Lapides do you get tired of lying?

Slow Joe has not broken 55.8%

A) As the Newsweek editor told a press show the press is worth 15 percentage points.

""The media, I think, wants Kerry to win. And I think they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards - I’m talking about the establishment media, not Fox, but - they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and all, there’s going to be this glow about them that some, is going to be worth, collectively, the two of them, that’s going to be worth maybe 15 points.” Newsweek's July 19 issue, "certainly backs up Thomas’ contention," notes the Media Research Center, which first uncovered the amazing admission. "Over a smiling picture on the cover of Kerry and Edwards, Newsweek ever hopefully asks: 'The Sunshine Boys?'”"

B) when you look at the man on the street interviews you see how misinformed the MSM makes people.

Anonymous said...

If you believe Biden is a legitimate president, you also believe CNN is a news network

Anonymous said...

June 1st is an interesting date on the 2nd graph.

Anonymous said...

Trump was a Russian asset, new Intelligence Community report shows.

Anonymous said...

Lying again Lapides.

Anonymous said...

All that troll does is lie.

It usually does not reply after 1700 or 1800 ET

Sundowner effect?

Anonymous said...

Putin takes the high road and wishes the elderly Biden 'good health" and the Democrat controlled news media calls this a "sinister quip" and a veiled threat". Unbelievable!

Amp1776 said...

Not a "veiled threat", but an appeal to what anybody with intellectual honesty knows. Biden is in cognitive decline. Even he knows that.

Just the facts.