More than a year after a spiked virus launched a murderous campaign across the globe, most countries have put the worst behind them, aided by aggressive government policies and vaccines.
Not Brazil.
The continent-sized nation of 212 million is facing more Covid deaths and cases than ever, its hospitals overflowing, its policy in disarray, its vaccine supply severely limited. In addition to a president who scoffs at the disease, rejects masks and leaves each state on its own, the country plays host to a variant that’s more contagious and possibly deadlier.
Nothing better illustrates the bizarrely fractured nature of Brazil’s Covid policies — and how they’ve sowed confusion and anger and suffering — than three cities along a 140-mile roadway in the state of Sao Paulo, where three distinct approaches to the pandemic coexist. In one, practically anything goes; in another, it’s full lockdown; and in a third, mass vaccination is underway. Each is a mess, overrun by rampant illness and mired in a deep economic funk that shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
Read more ....
WNU Editor: Too little too late .... Brazil in talks for 63 million Moderna COVID-19 shots by Jan 2022: document (Reuters).
More News On The Covid-19 Coronavirus Crisis In Brazil
Brazil surpasses 261,000 coronavirus deaths -- Anadolu Agency
Brasil is a basket case. So many fat people. It is astonishing.
Look at the cities cited from the whacked out nutter Bloomberg magazine. Look how far away from the core they are. There has been one hell of an expansion.
City Pop.
Bauru 379,297
Araraquara 238,339
Serrana 45,644
The purpose of the article is to draw attention away from Joe, COVID in the US, Nancy Pelosi and the rest.
and because of Obama, Joe, Nancy and the rest they are going to ship more jobs from blue states to Brasil. I know which ones.
What you are seeing in Brazil is the same you see in the USA. Brazil is being run by a conservative so they opposition is ramping it up to extreme levels to regain power. It is politicized beyond recognition on purpose.
I can just look at my old neighborhood in Brasil to see the amount of wealth and progress over 50 years. We're not talking about sprawling shanty towns (favelas). We are talking about honest to goodness houses apartment blocks, machine shops, paved roads, dams and more. the place is unrecognizable.
Places that you would taker a country drive on a Saturday are just gone. They are all built up.
What did the Bloomberg article tell us? Did it give a break down on the age, BMI or health conditions of the COVID victims? I am just amazed at the number of fat people in the pictures. It is not like it was 50 years ago.
"The purpose of the article is to draw attention away from Joe, COVID in the US, Nancy Pelosi and the rest.
and because of Obama, Joe, Nancy and the rest they are going to ship more jobs from blue states to Brasil. I know which ones."
very low IQ misfit making remarks like this.Name the jobs sent out of our country to Brazil by Biden and the Democrats. Grow a brain, dummy
These jobs were sent out by Obama the Liar. Obama told one whopper of a lie in Decatur. The CEO told him it was a lie in front of a live audience. Then the corporation was raided.
The date is 2010.
Now we have Obama's 3rd term under a puppet, who doesn't know where he is, I expect more of those jobs to be shipped to Brasil.
There are 5 models from small to large. When the shits surrounding Obama make life difficult, I expect the most and least manufactured models to be moved. That will cut assembly jobs by 1/2 or 2/3rds. It will be another Democrat victory/ All those UAW jobs gone.
Fred, why don't you comment under your name especially, when you call people names?
Well we can all agree on that Democrats are pedophile lizard people from outer space. That much is clear. Just look at that demonic creature they summon through the name of Pelosi
It's scary
They are not lizard people from outer space, but you have to wonder, where Kenneth Johnson got the idea. Was it inspiration or did he stumble onto something in Socal?
But we can all agree that Princessa Pelosi is scary. Her new favorite word(s) is
"Open Biden".
BTW The Honorable Barrack Hussein Obama said Pete Bittegieg was too short and too gay to be president.
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