Saturday, March 13, 2021

The F-35 Program Reveals What Is Wrong With The Pentagon

F-35A Lightning IIs from the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings, at Hill AFB, Utah, prepare for takeoff at Aviano AB, Italy, on May 31, 2019. Air Force photo by A1C Caleb House. 

It’s official: The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is a “rathole” of taxpayer money, something defense experts already knew — at least those without dubious ties to the military industrial blob. Now the House Armed Services Committee chairman has joined the ranks of the outraged, saying that when he thinks about the F-35, he thinks about “failure on a massive freaking scale.” 

The F-35 is an allegory for everything that’s broken in our Department of Defense, which receives more money than the rest of the federal interagency, combined. In fact, we spend more on our armed forces than the next 10 biggest militaries in the world, combined. What are we getting for our tax dollars? Unfortunately, the F-35. 

WNU Editor: The F-35 is not the only program that illustrates problems in the Pentagon. The Navy's LCS and its new aircraft carrier program are others.


Anonymous said...

This F-35 was and is so criticized that in a sane world it wouldn't have gotten past the 1/4 size clay model mock-up point.
As the old saying goes, nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.

Anonymous said...

Having subcontractors in every State is what counts... The Capitol Hill crowd isn’t spending their money so they really don’t care. It’s not about the best aircraft or ship, or required capabilities. It’s politics and money.

Anonymous said...

nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.

It is why poly sci majors and JDs are so dumb. I exclude patent attourneys and people, who similarly are two tracked. They put the work in.

Anonymous said...

Corruption on a biblical scale. Inescapable when the sun has set.