Monday, March 22, 2021

Trump Administration Quietly Removed 50 B61 Nuclear Gravity Bombs From Their Europe- And Turkey-Based Warehouses Leaving Only Around 100 Warheads

© CC BY-SA 2.0 / Dave Bezaire / B61 Nuclear bomb 

The United States deployed nuclear weapons in Western Europe in the 1950s, growing the arsenal to about 8,000 warheads at the height of the Cold War. The number of nukes stationed on the continent was cut down dramatically in the 1990s but the weapons were never eliminated completely, to the chagrin of Moscow and some of Washington’s own allies. 

The Trump administration appears to have quietly removed approximately 50 of America’s B61 nuclear gravity bombs from their Europe- and Turkey-based warehouses, leaving about 100 warheads stationed across the two regions, a report by the Congressional Research Service indicates. 

WNU Editor: What caught my eye is the above report is this .... the number of bombs at Turkey’s Incirlik base dropped from 50 to about 20!!!

The two reports that outline these cuts are here .... Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons (Congressional Research Center Updated March 16, 2021), and here .... United States nuclear weapons, 2021 (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists).


Daniel said...

Reducing the amount of nukes in Turkey is just common sense. That base gives Erdogan way too much leverage over the US as it is.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Daniel. The situation was worrisome from way back when. There seems to be no need for such weaponry being there anymore. That airfield is a target on multiple screens.
That 20 are still left....TRUMP! The heavy in this situation.

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way. Trump got us a 60% solution.

Now, if the doddering dementia case can get the remaining 40% removed, we will have success.

Surely Joe can do 2/3rds of the work Trump did. After all he is a spry old man, who loves dashing from the shower with his junk flapping and grabbing the dog by the tail!

Anonymous said...

I remember how many on this blog disused the Turkish nuclear situation and we all suggested to pull the nukes out of there because of Erdogan 's ongoing NATO violations.
Glad trump did what we all wanted back then. Those who are intellectually consistent and morally not corrupt will agree that this was a good move. Fred will of course hate it. That little perv and intellectual feather weight :)

Anonymous said...

Eleven years after President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, the reach of the law is growing, with hundreds of thousands flocking to its marketplace and even deeply conservative states considering its Medicaid expansion.

More than 200,000 Americans signed up for health insurance under the law during the first two weeks of an open enrollment period created by President Biden — a sign that those who lost insurance during the pandemic remain in desperate need of coverage, according to federal officials and health policy experts.

And a provision in the president’s $1.9 trillion stimulus law to make Medicaid expansion more fiscally appealing has convinced deep-red Alabama and Wyoming to consider expanding the program to residents whose incomes are too high to qualify now but too low to afford private health plans.

Tuesday is the 11th anniversary of the health law’s signing, and the Biden White House is going to mark the occasion in a big way. The president will travel to Ohio as part of his “Help Is Here” tour to talk up the stimulus bill, which also expanded subsidies to make insurance affordable for middle-class people. And his newly installed health secretary, Xavier Becerra, will travel to Carson City, Nev.

But Mr. Biden now has a new challenge: living up to his campaign promise to expand the law, including creating a “public option” for a government-run insurance plan, and tackling not only the rising cost of health insurance premiums but also the costs of prescription drugs. For that, he will need the cooperation of Congress.

“The Affordable Care Act was about trying to create the ground rules so that health insurance was real, it provided real financial security and was affordable, but we’re at this point where we’ve got to address the other side of the equation,” said Frederick Isasi, executive director of Families U.S.A., a consumer advocacy group.

Anonymous said...

if trump so good why did he lose by over ten million votes?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Fraudulent votes are not legal votes.

When Biden Insulted Putin on National TV

Read the above linked article, if you can.

Blackdog said...

Right. Now let’s get the rest out of Turkey.

Anonymous said...

And after the nukes we have

1st: Our people who can be killed, wounded or taken hostage

2nd: Our tech air plane avionics.

Erdogan will not give up power. He is crooked enough and has enough people to jail political opponents, abuse the police and courts and rig elections.

Unlike in 2011 you do not hear of the World Bank or IMF saying they can help out. They cannot. Too many people are hurting and they are hurting because the elites upset the apple cart to maintain and usurp more power with their COVID lie.

Erdogan ran ride it out and

* hope there is no recession or depression

* ride out a depression

* voluntarily leave office


* go to war

He ain't ever leaving office voluntarily. So ...

Anonymous said...

I don’t know where I heard it, but I thought the deal with Turkey was that US could not remove atomic bombs from bases without Turk consent.