Friday, March 26, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

Why Was the Secret Service Covering Up for Hunter Biden in 2018?

Two federal agencies covered for Hunter Biden

1) FBI aka FIB

2) Secret Service

Anonymous said...

Why are we proposing new laws when the Biden Family will not obey the laws already on the books?

"POLITICO obtained copies of the Firearms Transaction Record and a receipt for the gun dated Oct. 12, 2018.

Hunter responded “no” to a question on the transaction record that asks, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” Five years earlier, he had been discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine, and he and family members have spoken about his history of drug use.

Lying on the form is a felony, though prosecutions for it are exceedingly rare."

Anonymous said...

1) FBI
2) Secret Service
3) Delaware Police
4) Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

Whenever a Biden is concerned should it not be Bureau of Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

Or better yet
Bureau of Explosives, Drugs, Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco (BE DAFT) ?

Anonymous said...

Geeez! Poor joe. What a mean bunch we are this morning.

Anonymous said...

When a police officer asked Hunter whether the gun had been used in a crime, the officer reported that Hunter

"became very agitated with me and asked me if I was intentionally trying to make him mad,"

An officer asked Hunter whether he had called his father about the incident before he arrived. Hunter responded, “I have never called my dad for anything,” according to the police report.

Cops don't generally ask adult men if they contacted their daddies.

If Joe Biden was not a blackmail risk or if the Bidens had not so grossly abused political office for private gain, this would not be a story.

But they did and so it is.

Politico, a leftwing magazine, reported n this. They collected all the police reports. Which tell us that Joe will be purged and Camela will be anointed.

Anonymous said...

That's a good surmise. Their problem might be how to do it without being too obvious.