Monday, March 22, 2021

U.K. Ministry of Defence's Command Paper Calls For Drastic Cuts In the Army

Daily Mail: Military chiefs warn the 'huge mistake' of slashing 10,000 troops from the Army will leave Britain 'very close to not being able to contribute' on the world stage and unable to fight two wars at the same time Defence Secretary Ben Wallace will today announce a major Government shake-up of Britain's Armed Forces 

 * Ministry of Defence's Command Paper is expected to include a 10,000 troop cut to the size of the UK's Army 
 * Ex-US military chief Admiral Mike Mullen said the cut is a 'huge concern' and will leave Army 'pretty small'
 * Ex-head of Army Lord Dannatt said cut will mean UK can no longer fight two major operations at same time 
 * Former British colonel Richard Kemp said cut a 'huge mistake' and could 'endanger defence of this country' 
 * Publication of Command Paper comes amid political row over decision to increase size of UK nuclear arsenal 

The former head of the US military today warned the UK will be 'getting very close to not being able to contribute' on the world stage if it goes ahead with a 10,000 troop cut to the size of the British Army amid mounting fury over the Government's defence shake-up. 

Admiral Mike Mullen, ex-chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and the highest ranking US military officer between 2007 and 2011, said the expected cut is a 'huge concern'. He said slashing troop numbers by that much would leave the British Army 'pretty small' and roughly the same size as the US Special Forces. 

Read more .... 


 More News On The U.K. Ministry of Defence's Command Paper 

Royal Marines to be Scrapped and Britain to Build Ship to 'Protect Undersea Cables From Russia' -- Sputnik


Unknown said...

The British Army is becoming a militia fit for 1 job only. To back up the police & keep the rest of us in line. Which will be handy as the British police forces have totally lost control with 30 odd London policemen running away from an angry mob at Marble Arch last night. They weren't even under attack. Just being shouted at by an angry mob of wimps. This along with coppers kneeling down in submition to BLM & ANTIFA = a very Long long hot summer ahead. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

What is the 50/30/20 budget rule?

A country is bigger than a household, but most of the concepts that apply to one apply to the other. Fractally speaking it is the same.

If the UK cannot properly allocate funds to each government department, maybe the government departments squeezing out the military are poorly run or not doing the wrong things.

Boris is a leader. Leaders like young things. It is the way of the world. But fuck, if you are going to be a leader and enjoy the fruits, then do the other part and fucking lead!

If all Boris gets done is BREXIT, then he is a one trick pony. Not good enough on the grand stage of world leadership.