Tuesday, March 16, 2021

UK To Boost Its Trident Nuclear Warhead Stockpiles By 40%

The Guardian and The Sun said in their online editions that the country would look to raise the number of warheads from 180 to 260 by the middle of the decade. 

Defence and foreign policy review expected to signal rise, in move analysts say is diplomatically provocative 

Downing Street’s integrated review of defence and foreign policy is expected next week to signal a potential increase of the number of Trident nuclear warheads for the first time since the end of the cold war. 

Whitehall sources indicated that a cap on total warhead numbers – currently set at 180 – is expected to increase, although the exact figure is not yet known, in a move that analysts said was diplomatically provocative. 

The UK’s stockpile of nuclear weapons peaked at about 500 in the late 1970s, but had been gradually decreasing ever since as the perceived threat from the Soviet Union and now Russia had been assumed to be decreasing. 

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 More News On the UK Boosting Its Trident Nuclear Warhead Stockpiles By 40% 

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