Wednesday, March 17, 2021

US And Japan Warn China On Its 'Coercion, Destabilizing Behavior'


TOKYO: The U.S. and Japan warned Beijing against "coercion and destabilizing behavior" on Tuesday after top-level diplomatic and defense talks aimed at bolstering their alliance against rising Chinese influence.

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin and top U.S. diplomat Antony Blinken are on their first overseas trip, which began Monday in Japan, looking to shore up regional alliances and send a message to Beijing. 

They will continue on to South Korea, and a policy review by the new administration of its approach to Pyongyang is also a key part of the diplomatic outreach. 

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 More News On The US And Japan Warning China On Its 'Coercion, Destabilizing Behavior' 


Anonymous said...

Both sides, China and the loosely defined western alliance (consisting of formalised NATO states and regional strategic members like Japan) say pretty much the same thing:

We are right, you are wrong. We are good, you are the bully.


The key strategic item on the table is obviously Taiwan and the Chinese sea straits for shipping, plus some if the disputed islands and surrounding sea territories for strategic military hubs and of course natural resources.

All sides know this and the key difference will be who has the stronger economy...

Sure sure a lot can and has been said about the military...

But.. the Soviet union wasn't overcome through military might alone, but mostly, historians argue, through economic competition in which capitalism outmatched communism.

But note we have a communist fascist state that embraces capitalism as medium term solution before replacing it with communism(that's the end goal in the Chinese dominated world. Capitalism is seen as a tool to bring down the US, and every Chinese knows it. It's such common knowledge in China, that capitalism is only for a few more decades(in their mind) before the globe is ruled by China and then communism will take capitalim's place... the difference to Soviet union is that the Chinese -- use-- all the levers of capitalism to not only compete with, but outcompete the US , examples being slave labour, patent and IP violations, misleading the western educational and academic systems, the media, all of it

So to only think militarily is of course short sighted and I'm not accusing anyone here of doing so :) just that it would be good to understand just how severely the US is being beaten, from cultural to information warfare right now.

The Chinese literally have compromised the Biden family, have funded them in the millions through a Chinese company linked to the CCP... it's crazy what's going on

To see how CNN and the rest of the media play into China's hands

The same with all globalist companies that have stakes in China... all sold you out, worse yet, insulted you.. promoted racial division, like coca cola "be less white".... imagine they'd say "be less black" and the media keeps going along with it, keeps pushing racial divide.

Look, if it acts like an enemy and talks like an enemy, it's an enemy.

If it's a global corporation or owned by a global corporation (eg CNN via times Warner, at&t), Disney etc etc and they promote racial division and lies... I'm sorry, that's an enemy to every human on earth.

Hence my question, have we been invaded by aliens?

Who in his right mind promotes racial and gender and class division with such consistency like these globalist organisations from media to consumer products...WHY do they do this and who protects them?

And... when will we see them punished for the hatred and lies and division and terror they spread? These companies are a threat to communities all around the World.

I ask why are they not punished by our leaders?

If our leaders fail to protect us and if the law fails to protect us then both lose their legitimacy..

That's my take. These Cosby's 6 did be ashamed. Investors should be ashamed. If you own stocks in these companies, pull them.
Let's generate a global database of these anti human, anti community freaks that enslave us financially, physically and spiritually with their global agenda.

China is against religion, against individuality and that deny obviously God given rights that are the foundation of human rights in the West. Now Nike and apple ship not only your jobs off, thanks to Biden they now won't even have to be afraid that their products would be labelled as slave work..

So not only do these people destroy your jobs, they promote slavery and the rise of a communist oriented system that denies deity and your right to believe.

Stand up against these companies and inhumane mindset, the rest will follow

Anonymous said...

Biden Biden Biden!
the guy has been in office for a month and everything is his fault...trump president 4 years and all was well with China then, right?
evidence that Biden entangled with China? put up instead of simply asserting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you were there and saw it? provide photos, plz

Anonymous said...

Google search terms:




Anonymous said...

We have the geezer president's own word.

Joe Biden says he broke foot tripping after shower when he pulled dog’s tail

Does the geezer shower with his clothes on? He might, since the elevator does not go all the way to the top.

Anonymous said...

So now Lefties are demanding "proof"! Lololololololo