Friday, March 19, 2021

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin Tells North Korea That The US Is Ready To ‘Fight Tonight’

This photo downloaded from the US Indo-Pacific Command Twitter account shows South Korean Defense Minister Suh Wook (L) and his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin (R), talking while inspecting an honor guard prior to their talks at the defense ministry compound in Seoul on Wednesday. Austin arrived in Seoul earlier in the day for a three-day visit. (US Indo-Pacific Command Twitter account) 

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Thursday that American forces are ready to “fight tonight,” in response to North Korea slamming drills resuming between the US and South Korea. 

The US and South Korean forces have resumed military drills after pausing the exercises more than a year ago over coronavirus concerns. 

“Our force remains ready to ‘fight tonight,’ and we continue to make progress toward the eventual transition of wartime Operational Control to a [Republic of Korea]-commanded, future Combined Forces Command,” Austin said. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: So we are now back to issuing threats of war with North Korea. It did not take long for the Biden Administration to unravel the work that former President Trump did in lessening tensions on the Korean peninsula. 

A part of me is now wondering if this is being done deliberately by the White House. Or worse .... no one is in charge.

More News On U.S. Defense Secretary Austin Telling North Korea That The US Is Ready To ‘Fight Tonight’ 


bn said...

They lost NK for the next 4-8years if even more, So dumb this Admin

Anonymous said...

“Our force remains ready to ‘fight tonight,’ and we continue to make progress toward the eventual transition of wartime Operational Control to a [Republic of Korea]-commanded, future Combined Forces Command,” Austin

I would like to jump all over Austin and what he said. But it is rather benign. Saying you are ready to fight, but are not actually throwing the first punch and being the aggressor, you are telling the other side to back off.

Communication is a two way street. The US has to know how to communicate the the North Koreans and the North Koreans likewise have to study the Americans and know how to communicate. Putting missiles on launchpads, fueling them up or whatever logistical indications the North Koreans is communicating and the North Koreans have been doing it for a few weeks now. Given their history of launching missiles without warning, they should know that putting any missile on any launch pad is seen as threatening.

When a person threatens you and you do not threaten back in the least, it is seen in nature as an invitation to dinner.

The North Koreans could put out a notice to mariners and aviation that they are conducting a missile test and abide by their notice. It would be deemed much less threatening. What would happen? Censure by the UN in the security council? Russian and China would not allow it.

The North Korean slamming exercises is hypocritical, tiresome, and threatening. An army that does not train is perhaps every bit as useless as an army without a sufficiently deep bench or without decent equipment. The exhortation to not train has an effect. It trips out the the Left in any country and the North Koreans know it. Verbal insults are almost as much an insult as physical insult and worse than a physical insult, if their number is great enough.

You just know the that if the North Koreans could get the South Koreans and Americans to stop conducting exercise they would work harder to try to reduce procurement and and military size all the while conducting military exercises, maintain or increase their T.O.E., and modernizing their weapons.

It was a given that seeing a weak leader that North Korea would test him with missile tests. But just because the leader is a order of dries short of a Happy Meal does not mean every one around him is stupid (although many are). So maybe it was stupid for North Koreans and their bank (the CCP) to trot out the usual missile test of BS.

The US could have been better between November 3rd and the North Korean preps for missile tests, but that is not on Austin.

Anonymous said...

things were so nice and peaceful in the 4 years when Trump was in charge. the North stopped missiles and threats

Anonymous said...

Biden is the worst installed dictator ever!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you brought that up 12:31. You stumbled upon the truth

Maybe for you next trick you will finally be potty trained.

Try a multifactorial analysis. You can do more than one variable at a time can't you? You can go beyond variable x = "who is president"?

Can't you use like a variable x and a variable y and let z be the response?

If you can't I can sell you some smart pills to get your IQ over 60.

Anonymous said...

3 PM,

I provided a like which had a timeline of events. You had jack shit, Ihe wait you had something. You had lies.

Bubba Clinton was friendly with Kim Jong Il. Gave him basket balls, oil, food, nuclear reactors ... GTFU retard.