Tuesday, March 16, 2021

US Intelligence Says Russia Attempted To Interfere In The 2020 Presidential Election


Washington (CNN)The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released its declassified report on foreign threats to 2020 US elections Tuesday, which concludes that foreign adversaries -- including Russia -- did attempt to interfere. 

Russia's efforts were aimed at "denigrating President Biden's candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the US," it says. 

"Unlike in 2016, we did not see persistent Russian cyber efforts to gain access to election infrastructure," the report notes.

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Another US intelligence assessment that provides no specific evidence on what Russia did, with the exception of one, and that is the claim that Russian assets tried to push the narrative of corruption between the Biden family and Ukraine (page nine of the report). The report admits this involves President Biden's son, but makes no mention of his no show-job at a Ukraine energy company that paid him millions of dollars, and former Vice-President Biden making sure that the prosecutor investigating his son's business dealings with this Ukraine company was fired. 

For an intelligence assessment document, there is no mention in the report on how President Biden's policies were seen in Moscow to benefit Russia .... restrictions and elimination of oil and gas development, supporting Russia's demand to roll-over the START Treaty for a few more years, etc., 

This is not an intelligence assessment document. This is a political document to give the Biden family cover from their dealings with Ukraine. 

The report is here (link here). 

 More News On US Intelligence Saying Russia Attempted To Interfere In The 2020 Presidential Election 


Anonymous said...

When you can shut down count centers simultaneously in purple states and start counting manufactured votes, how could a foreign nation every compete with the consummate thieves of the Democrat Party?

Liberals lie about everything.

They lied about the election and stole it. They lied after the elections. See below.

Trump Responds to Washington Post's Fake Quotes Scandal

Democrats are still lying.

Liberals deserve to live in a TWD world.

jimbrown said...

It's Orwellion squared.
Same sort of set up as the russia collusion findings issued in Jan 2017.

Amp1776 said...

"Russia" is code word for the democrats....

Anonymous said...

But the report said that Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized “influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the US.”

One of Moscow’s key strategies, the report said, was to use Russian intelligence-linked proxies to spread misleading claims and narratives among certain U.S. media outlets and individuals — “including some close to former President Trump and his administration.”

Those plans were put in action by “a range of Russian government organizations,” according to the report.


fazman said...

Of course they did, how else did Biden win lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

John Brennan Asshole Extraordinaire was CIA Chief.

The total liar went on CNN for years and lied. During a grand jury under oath he told the truth and it was totally opposite of his CNN interviews.

If John Brennan can lies so much on prime time TV, I have no faith in the CIA as a whole. There might be good people in the CIA, but at the end of the day they will produce documents that their political bosses want.

We have had Brennan, Wray and Comey. That is just too many rotten apples to not suspect that the whole barrel has gone bad or is going bad.

I agree with you on one thing. It is not a political BINDEN[sic] REPORT.

There is no way that Putin could possibly denigrate a 77 year old man, who campaigned from his basement in his dirty underwear or who broke his foot chasing a dog naked.


I'm surprised that Russia didn't declare war on the US. There was a serious risk Putin could have died laughing, when he read that Joe broke his foot, while chasing a dog naked!

I think you should show your dedication to the Democrat Party and show your solidarity with the downtrodden by getting a dickotomy and transitioning. Maybe you could get hire at Health Secretary for Pennsylvania.

Anonymous said...

For the record Biden just wanted to smell his dog...

Anonymous said...

Why do all these clowns engage in such ineffective behavior? Frankly if it is in the press and other public media, I read little of it past a headline and am skeptical of that. The far out stuff I ignore.
After the obamma years and those following, the media will hold little sway with me.