Friday, March 12, 2021

Was President Biden 'Loose With The Facts' In His Address To The Nation On The First Anniversary Of The Covid-19 Shutdown?


 * Biden gave his first prime time address on Thursday night, declaring that all American adults would be able to have their first vaccine dose by May 1 
 * In his speech, Biden claimed that Covid-19 has taken more American lives 'than World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined' 
 * According to the CDC, 527,726 Americans have so far died from coronavirus - a number than is less than the 580,000 lives lost during the events mentioned 
 * The President touted his administration's work with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson to speed up production and roll-out of the shots 
 * But Biden did not mention Trump's Operation Warp Speed - an initiative that many on both sides of the aisle agree has helped speed up the process 

President Biden addressed the nation Thursday night and made some claims that weren't entirely true. In his speech, Biden claimed that Covid-19 has taken more American lives 'than World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined.' 

According to the CDC, 527,726 Americans have so far died from coronavirus - a number that is less than the 580,000 lives lost during the events mentioned by Biden. 

WNU Editor: The Daily Mail does a good job in listing all the inaccuracies/errors in President Biden's Thursday night address. But what the media has avoided is what President Biden said exactly 1 year ago (see video below). 

Labeling travel bans and border restrictions as "xenophobic" and not following the science. Wow! What a difference a year can make.

On another note. When I watched both videos I am struck by how much the President has changed/aged in the past year.



Anonymous said...

Biden keeps changing and in 2 years he will be a holy half dead, perhaps the Lord Marshall himself.

As Lord Marshal Biden will be large and in charge. He will no longer be a puppet.

Dave Goldstein said...

If he can remember who and where he is

Anonymous said...

"will discriminate by zip code"............

Anonymous said...

If there's ever the time for a military coup it is now. The US did not vote for that senile corrupt pedophile underachiever/plagiariser to be in office. The election WAS stolen. His son clearly is a pedo and clearly is compromised by the Chinese and clearly has passed on millions in earnings to uncle Joe,the "big guy"

I cannot believe that people put up with this charade..WHAT is this? A test of some sorts to see just how far we go along with this vile creature from hell?

This man has no authority over anyone. A child could take his lunch money. Easily.

Anonymous said...

This is not a leader and certainly not the leader of the free World

His claim to authority is based on lies and intimidation. The national guard surrounding these vile creatures, Pelosi and Biden, have sworn an oath to the constitution to PROTECT THE UNITED STATES FROM ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

The law, the courts and the media act hand in hand, completely disregarding checks and balances. If the system is so corrupt that it fails the people, YOU MUST PROTECT THE PEOPLE FROM THE CORRUPT SYSTEM

Anonymous said...

get over it. Biden won.Trump lost. get over it.

Anonymous said...

A person with no brain did not win anything.

Anonymous said...

Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd

Just a little pinprick.
There'll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!
But you may feel a little sick.

Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working. Good.
That'll keep you going for the show.
Come on it's time to go."

Anonymous said...
