Wednesday, March 10, 2021

White House’s New Restrictions On Drone Strikes Will Benefit al-Shabaab In Somalia

A soldier walks past rubble in the aftermath of an attack on the Afrik Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia, Feb. 1, 2021. Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the deadly assault. 

A key U.S. partner in the fight against terrorism is growing increasingly uneasy about the Biden administration’s new guidance on the use of drones and airstrikes, concerned that the changes are giving an already emboldened al-Qaida affiliate more room to operate. 

Since U.S. President Joe Biden took office January 20, the United States has not launched a single airstrike against al-Shabab in Somalia, after seven strikes were conducted from January 1 to 19. 

Senior Somali military officials worry the new guidance, which has imposed tighter controls on ordering airstrikes and requires the White House to sign off on operations, means al-Shabab will begin to gather momentum. 

WNU Editor: If al-Shabaab believes the U.S. is disengaging from Somalia by limiting military operations like drone surveillance and strikes, to me it is a given that they will organize and intensify their attacks. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somalia is winnable. Afghanistan is not.

Kenya and Ethiopia do not give Al Shabaab sanctuary

Pakistan gives the Taliban Sanctuary.

Pakistan pays equips trains, and give the Taliban intel.

Who trains, equips and gives Al Shabaab intel?

Somali pirates have moles inside ports or shipping line in the African region. It is how they know where the ships are. But what state is equipping Al Shabaab? Is one of the Gulf states doing so? I have not heard. I rather doubt it. What would they gain. They already have their hands full with Iran and Yemen.

There are better lines of communication (LOC) to Somalia.

I Pakistan the Pakistanis cut American supply line by imperial decree, by confiscatory taxation and by turning a blind eye to Taliban sabotage.

D) Trump was right to withdraw. The first thing you have to have when going to battle is will. If you have no will, do not even show the fuck up. The tactical units, the Pentagon and some politicos having will power is not a solid substitute for the whole nation being on board. Once there is a reverse in Somalia happening without buy in, it goes south. There might be civilian casualties or a high America body count and the politico and the Pentagon will fold faster than cheap suit.

In case of a General War, Our troops can evac form Somalia or be redeployed elsewhere. The can leave via the Navy. They can march to Ethiopia or Kenya. They can reinforce Djibouti.

Those in Afghanistan are just fucked.

I just like to reiterate that Austin, Blinken, President Jill and VP Sleep my way to the Top are losers.