Thursday, March 18, 2021

Why Are US Defense Contractors Working For The U.S. Navy And The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command Spying On A Conservative Canadian News Organization?


WNU Editor: This is not only outrageous, but the information that these defense contractors published (and were paid for) is factually incorrect. Its a 28 minute video, but worth the time to watch. 

On a personal note. I subscribe to Rebel News because they have a good track record of posting worthy news stories that the Canadian media either ignore ... or report on but days/weeks later.


Anonymous said...

Wnu you should know part of the v5 eyes deal is that friendly countries are allowed to do the spying for you on your own citizens avoiding the legal stcking points

So Canada gov wants the US to tell them stuff about that conservative outlet..

Just like the US used the UK's sgent stelle Dossier to illegally spy on a presidential candidate and then the media buried it for them

They're one big family targeting political opponents to consolidate power,accountable to none or all. .depending if you've had enough of this deep state undemocratic Marxist shit

Anonymous said...

ur right. The u.s. gooberment did the same thing, they used allies to spy on american citizens
came up with nothing but the dim voters in CT and elsewhere scarfed it all up. dem voters would scarf up manure if dim leaders fed it to them.