Monday, March 29, 2021

Why No One Trusts The U.S. Media Anymore

CBC: How U.S. media lost the trust of the public 

Media consumption was at record highs in 2020, but trust plummeted. CBC documentary explores the consequences 

A global pandemic, historic anti-racism protests and a turbulent U.S. presidential election had Americans glued to their screens in 2020 like never before. Cable news ratings soared, online news subscriptions increased and the amount of time we all spent online broke records. 

But as people consumed more news, they also began to trust the media less, surveys showed. According to a recent Gallup survey, the percentage of Americans with no trust in the mass media hit a record high in 2020: only nine per cent of respondents said they trust the mass media "a great deal" and a full 60 per cent said they have little to "no trust at all" in it. 

The American media landscape has become increasingly polarized over the last few decades. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Regular readers of this blog know that I have always been skeptical of the media. And that the priority among the main stream media is no longer reporting on the news, but advancing an agenda. Their audiences have also become deeply partisan, as the above CBC report clearly outlines .... 

.... A Pew survey suggests 95 per cent of MSNBC's audience are now Democrats while 93 per cent of the Fox News audience are Republicans. A similar trend is unfolding online. 

It is why I am always posting multiple media sources from different countries on a breaking news story in this blog. To give a different perspective from alternative sources, and to also use these sources to cover stories that the main stream media chooses to not follow because it runs contrary to their narrative.


Anonymous said...

This coming from the CBC! A Canadian government media outlet with less than $100M in ad revenue but well over $1B in annual taxpayer funding. They have 3% of the public watching with mandatory carriage on every TV. They run left-wing propoganda 24/7 and engage in political interference by suing the Conservatives in thw middle of an election. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

Anonymous said...

"... had Americans glued to their screens in 2020 like never before. Cable news ratings soared, online news subscriptions increased and the amount of time we all spent online broke records."

Ever finally get to watch a TV series that you thought you liked? You watch the series some time in the past catching buts and pieces of it in the evening and it was interrupted by commercials and just plain old life. You miss whole episodes. you learn that when a show is syndicated they make no attempt to show all the episode nor show them in order.

When you finally do watch a whole series in order in a relatively short space of time of a long weekend or a month or two, you find out why the the syndicator do not show all the episode or why viewership follows an exponential function with the base(b) being less than one (1). The social commentary snuck into the series are always the same regardless of the genre. The TV shows reflect more what the script writers think about today's issues than they are about exploring the past, the future or some neat idea.

News has the same problem. Newsmakers can shape a narrative easier of news if it only caught in bits and pieces. If a person has a long term memory and consumes a lot of news, the warts begin to stick out and cluster.

Anonymous said...

What pretends to be "news" in the USA is NOT news.. and these companies shouldn't be treated as domestic services but international crime cartels

CNN being the worst offender.
I truly hope we will see justice in this decade still and these monsters, liars, traitors, war mongers and pharma drug pushers ALL being marched into dark prisons.

Think of how many lives CNN has destroyed..
The lies they push.. how many lives ended?
The wars
The pharma drugs that cause so much sickness among your population
All of it

They're not news. They're corrupt hit men and if the price is right they'll say anything about you. Anything.

They're monsters.

Anonymous said...

Ignoranmous commenters here get news from????
ah, Fox or anonymous Zero or Breitbart all great objective news sources. Meanwhile this site posts from MSM daily and that is ok, right

Anonymous said...

Ignoramous mispelled ignoramous. It is just too funny.

Now the ignoranmous is going to Ignoranmous away. Ha ha!


I use none of those daily or much at all.

You are 0 for 3. You do not know your enemy and you do not know yourself.