Wednesday, March 17, 2021

With Tensions Spiraling After President Biden Called President Putin A Killer, Russia Recalls Its Ambassador From The U.S. For Consultations


Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, has been recalled to Moscow for in-person discussions on the country’s ongoing relations with Washington and Joe Biden's administration, the Foreign Ministry has said.

In a statement announcing the envoy’s recall on Wednesday night, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the ambassador was needed in Moscow for “consultations to analyze what to do and where to head in the context of the relations with the US.” 

Representatives of the Foreign Ministry and other relevant agencies will participate in the discussions with Antonov about US relations going forward, she added. 

WNU Editor: Calling Russian President Putin a "killer" and then saying that he "will pay a price" may play well for President Biden on US media, but in the Kremlin they see this as a direct threat. Here is an easy prediction. Nothing good is going to come out of this. 

 More News On Russia Recalling Its Ambassador From The U.S. For Consultations 


Anonymous said...

Let's see Biden says he's a killer, Hillary called him a Nazi (a Russian who lost his brother in the siege of Leningrad) way to go Dems!

Anonymous said...

Democrats write the checks and American cash the checks with their blood.

Anonymous said...

I'm currently awaiting the US press response. It's a bit harder when one can't automatically holler "Trump! Trump!" Now they have to think a bit.

Anonymous said...

You should be scared WNU or at least Apprehensive. I am. You are witnessing the rise of a totalitarian regime in America. This is not the Democrat Party of your father's time.

Virginia Teachers and Public Officials Colluded to Demonize—and Even Hack and DOX—Parents Who Question Critical Race Theory

Biden Admin Halts Navy Operations, Orders Sailors to Undergo 'Chilling' Stand-Down Training

Don't forget that Dr. Suess, a well known and previously well respected liberal, was canceled.

Blackdog said...

Who on here will deny that Russia (Putin) has sent out hit squads to kill people in other countries?

Anonymous said...

Only two months in, and crisis reigns.

# Mental Health Matters.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking a discreet payment to hunter could fix this.

Anonymous said...

Hunter never has understood discretion.

Anonymous said...

black kitty cat,

I have a problem with Russia attempting to assassinate Navalny or assassinating former Russian spies.

But we dealt with people like Stalin and FDR did not call him a killer top his face.

Also why should we treat Putin worse than the Ayatollah Khameini? Both have had dissidents killed or silenced. Khameini more over all or more per capita. Also Khameini has fewer nukes than Putin. So I do not understand this zealot moralizing other than you have brain freeze, you are not that bright or you are a put up job.

The CIA and a long history of assassinations

Also what is the difference between putting someone in a gular or kicking them to the curb after suing thing into poverty? In my opinion there is none. It is a different method but the results are somewhat the same.

I thought hey had something with Trumps comments to the Georgia Secretary of State. But we found out that Jordan Fuchs lied.

In fact if Donald Trump gets sued into oblivion it will be worse than Navalny being sent to a gulag. They will have discredited Trump and the victor writes the history.

?Really, are you trying to be Lapides Segundo?

B.Poster said...

Anon (8:38),

Excellent points you make. There's very little that could be added.

kidd said...

I call him confused

kidd said...

Political child of God

kidd said...

Please it's time to forgive and prayers

kidd said...

Stop the fear and start laufing at the devil 👿

Blackdog said...

Why is that weak tea? All Biden did was call him for what he is. And I understand some of the parallels written in this chat. That don’t mean you get scared and don’t call somebody out for what they are.

Anonymous said...

Very weak tea

Anonymous said...

If FDR had called Stalin a murderer, how do you think that would have went?

What if he had done it in 1941?

Read about what happened to the Romanians armies on the flanks of Stalingrad. They were overrun by tanks. Lot of the pictures I saw were of M4 Shermans. I think the Russians would have pushed through without the American tanks. The Americans provided 10% of the Soviet tanks and Soviet tanks were better. However they would have bled more.

With out the American contribution to the Soviet Air force and to Soviet logistics plus some raw materials maybe it would have been a draw or a Soviet loss.

Maybe the Germans would have gotten the bomb 1st? (German bomb program was shit possibly because of sabotage.)

If we needed the Soviets in WW2, maybe we need the Russians tp prevent war with the Chinese or to win if there is war.

How much difference is there between Navalny situation and some Democrat operative leaning on Kathleen Willey? Maybe all that can be said is that one group is a little more subtle or wear a velvet glove.

Anonymous said...

calling it like it is instead of ass-kissing as trumpies pissing all over the page

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Got to lie better than that!

Anonymous said...

Google: Biden Dog Shower

Joe Biden says he broke foot tripping after shower when he pulled dog’s tail


Anonymous said...

B.Poster said...

Anon 12:18AM,

Excellent points!! We cannot "know" what would have happened in WW2 without working with the Soviets as we worked with them. With that said based upon my studies of this the Soviets would've won Ww2 without our assistance but the opposite is not true. In other words, I don't think America or its allies win WW2 without Russian involvement on our side.

Without our assistance Russia likeky takes more casualties and their ultimate victory takes longer but they still win. After WW2 the Russians received "kid glove" treatment. Perhaps US leadership understood just how invaluable Soviet/Russian assistance was to our cause in WW2 and acted accordingly.

I belive we needed the Russians to win WW2 and we need them today to help us prevent war with China or to win if their is such a war. Understanding this President Trump sought to try and attain solid working relations with them. This seems like basic common sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you comrade Ivan