Wednesday, April 28, 2021

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC Ignore Reports That John Kerry Leaked Israeli Intel To Iran


FOX News: ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC all skip John Kerry controversy over alleged leaking of Israeli intel to Iran  

CNN had only two mentions of the growing controversy 

There's been a widespread blackout in media coverage of the growing controversy surrounding Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry over his alleged sharing of Israeli intel with Iran. 

There has been intense backlash after the New York Times reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif alleged in audiotape that Kerry told him that Israel had struck around 200 Iranian targets in Syria. 

The Iranian leader admitted he was shocked by the purported admission, as reported by The New York Times.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: At least CNN reported it, albeit no one watches the network anymore. 


Anonymous said...


Son of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs was the best man at the marriage ceremony.

Different rules for different folks. If you are an E4 and you marry a foreign national, you lose you security clearance. But John Kerry has so many relationships with the Iranians and he keeps on trucking.

Anonymous said...

Iran denies link between negotiator's son and Kerry's daughter

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what to believe. As rough and ill treated the Americans have become by the MSM lack of corroboration by the MSM does not prove that a story is not true.

Our "allies" the Pakistanis carried it. IF they just got it form a 2nd or 3rd string news site or they have confirmation is unknown. They our unfriendly, if somewhat respectfully, toward Iran. They share a border and would be a little more dry eyed toward such things.

And Israel


"Iran has been angered by JAA's use of Pakistani territory as a refuge, and has threatened military operations in Pakistan to counter insurgent groups "on several occasions"

Anonymous said...

Kerry's daughter married someone with an Iranian background who lives and is a citizen of the US. And they visited relatives in Iran: and that makes Kerry suspect!!!

wow. Do you know how many Iranians fled Iran when the religious folks took over? And are they all now under deep suspicion? That Iran agreement was multi-state agreement. It was voided by Trump. What then is the fuss all about?
Kerry, it seems, stated something well known and this is a revelation that should not have been made. And no one watches CNN? They go on the air nightly simply for the fun of it and not to make money.

Anonymous said...


I did not make the CNN comment. Maybe you have CNN on the brain? From what I heard CNN does not make that much money outside of the monopoly on airports terminals. So it begs the question.

"Do you know how many Iranians fled Iran when the religious folks took over? And are they all now under deep suspicion?" Did anyone say all? Brian Nafed seems like a good guy. On the face of it no alarm bells there. None. Until you get to the report that the best man is the son of the Iranian Foreign Minister.

"Kerry, it seems, stated something well known and this is a revelation that should not have been made." That statement is pure McGurkin.

that Israel and Iran are going to fight is well known. What is not well known is dates or or specific targets. An incident where Iran had a loss is not proof in and of itself that Israel did something. One of the biggest takeaways of the Syrian Civil War is that Qatar and the other Gulf States are players. Qatar sent Qatari spec ops into Syria, an Iranian, ally, to unseat the Assad Regime. So a person might rightly guess that 60% or 90% of attacks in Syria by unknown person is Israel, but one does not really know. Then horse face opened his pie hole.

War Criminal Kerry should be under suspicion since the Vietnam War and Winter Soldier. What kind of genetic recessive, knuckle dragging yahoo shoots a child in the back with an assault rifle like Kerry did?

Anonymous said...

CNN's Ratings Collapse, but Only Newsmax Is Mentioned

CNN, what?

Dave Goldstein said...

I'm shocked positively shocked. (not really) He's always been a traitor