Wednesday, April 28, 2021

President Biden Addresses Joint Session Of Congress (Live At 21:00 EST)


RussInSoCal said...

Let flow the meaningless platitudes and falsehoods. Hopefully won’t last more than 30, 40 min.

Matthew Putnam said...

More of president house plant covering his water stain.

Anonymous said...

"Joe Biden will call the Capitol riot "the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War." Really?! So it's worse than the Lincoln assassination AND the Kennedy assassination?"

Anonymous said...

STEPHEN GREEN | APR 28, 2021 9:07 PM EST
"Give Biden this much: His voice sounds stronger than I've heard it since last summer.

I wonder what Dr. Feelgood is injecting him with now?"

Symptoms of Adderall overdose can range from mild to severe and include the following:






Rapid breathing

Stomach pain


Rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscles)


Heart attack





Anonymous said...

“We have to do more than build back better. We have to build back better.” - Biden

Great logical utterances

Anonymous said...

lame and childish attacks here
try to address policies: for or against. why? that is adult way

Anonymous said...

We know the policies.

* Call it recovery (2009) and shovel money to unions.
* Call it infrastructure and shovel money to unions and to others based on skin color.

The speech was perfect for you. You are a moron, an utter and complete moron. Most Joe's speech was a bunch of platitudes, adverbs and adjectives. Which to be honest about it, is your speed. The speech was kind of shy on numbers and metrics.

Speaking about adults, you are not one. You have the form of one, but not the substance.

Anonymous said...

Like I said moron, it was shy on numbers. An innumerate zealot such yourself has no problem with tax rate increases that repeatedly fall short of their revenue targets. So once again, it is shy on numbers. To repeatedly fail as you fail, you have to be ignorant or stupid in the fields of psychology, economics and history.

Anonymous said...

The stock market is set to close out President Biden’s first 100 days in office on Thursday with its best start to a presidential term since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The S&P 500 has risen 10% since Mr. Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration. The index is on course for its strongest performance since the start of Mr. Roosevelt’s first term in 1933, when it surged 80% after a spectacular crash in the Great Depression, according to a Dow Jones Market Data analysis. By comparison, the S&P 500 rose 5.3% in the first 100 days of President Donald Trump’s term in early 2017 and on average has gained 3.2% over that period in presidential terms since Herbert Hoover’s in 1929.

Investors say it is no surprise that bountiful government spending, increasing Covid-19 vaccinations, growing faith in the economic reopening and continued support from the Federal Reserve have powered the latest leg up in the stock market.

Anonymous said...

The ancient troll has 3 characteristics

1 Ignorant
2 Egotistical
3 Dishonest

Generally, a company stocks go up if a company has profits. That is if it is profitable. Profits depend on the ratio of revenues to costs. Generally. That is the key word. Generally.

When the central bank prints money and buys stocks to buoy them up, a rising stock market means what exactly?

Let us put it this way. The troll is none the wise when 70 years ago it read the financial section of a rag, which said a stock went up five dollars. Now the same troll when it reads a financial website and reads the same stock went up fiver dollars, believes it means the same thing. Or that the Fed buying stocks does not mean a thang.

Nice copy and paste, I can teach a 3 year old to do that.

Anonymous said...

Oh Troll, some of that central bank (Fed) stock market intervention happened under Trump. So while it was talked up 2 years ago, there was some unease. How much was due to the Fed and how much due to people churning and burning because the tax burden was lifted and they could make headway?

Now, go be a predictable troll and really get you tighty whiteys into a wad and copy and paste an article proving that the 2018 to 2020 stock market increases were all Fed.

Anonymous said...

Lapides and his little band weigh with their pathetic "what aboutism"!

Anonymous said...

You have a career in comedy writing ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

11:35 your reading comprehension is almost as bad as the troll's.

Anonymous said...
