NPR: Navalny Moved To Infirmary In Russian Prison After Doctor Warns He Could Die Soon
Alexei Navalny, Russia's jailed hunger-striking opposition leader, has been transferred to a prison infirmary after 20 days without food amid a warning from his doctor that he could die "at any minute."
Russian prison authorities said Monday that Navalny has been moved to a medical ward at prison separate from the one where he was being held.
He will undergo "vitamin therapy" there, they said.
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More News On Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Being Moved To A Prison Hospital
Putin foe Navalny sent to prison hospital amid hunger strike -- AP
Russian officials move Alexei Navalny to prison hospital -- DW
Navalny transferred to Russian prison hospital, health worsening, lawyer says -- Reuters
EU ministers meet to discuss Navalny crisis, US warns Russia of 'consequences' -- RFI
Biden Administration Vows Consequences for Russia if Alexei Navalny Dies -- Newsweek
Kremlin ‘had no reaction’ to US threats about consequences if Navalny dies, spokesman says -- TASS
Factbox: What we know about the prison hospital where Alexei Navalny has been sent -- Reuters
The guy is determined to be a martyr. Went back to Russia after being poisoned by a nerve agent only found in Russia. Sort of a signature warning from a certain party...
As for Biden's 'consequences' - I don't think Putin is laying awake at night worrying about it.
Russian Vitamin therapy ... good God, don't they know any mercy? What's next, Russian food????
Putin is not going to worry about Biden. Biden is worrying about his next BM. Putin is not worried about Kamala. Kamala reads scripts. Putin is concerned with the people giving her scripts. With his money Bathhouse does the high end thing. Be hard to get the goods. You could get the good on the Bidens very easily, but what would be the point? The State would just perform the gecko maneuver and 6hr 6 o'clock news would tell people what to think.
anon: total putz
Obama - Wright Larry Bland, one of three openly gay men at Barrack Obama 's church with Trinity United pastor Jeremiah Wright, was murdered execution style. Wright ran the Down Low Club, a club for gays to hide their secret gay lifestyle.
Three Homosexual Members Of Obama's Reverend Wright Church: Killed Within 40 days Of Each Other. Is a Barack Obama bombshell lurking in the shadows, waiting to derail one of the biggest Cinderella stories in recent history?
Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate
claims claims claims
more bullshit for the small brains to live on while Trump faces how many legal challenges for sex and money charges
and those are in the wings, via NY State and Georgia
Trump has been out of office a quarter of a year. You keep making promises that you cannot keep. Real action is out west. We all know who you are and what a complete bastard of person that you are.
Small brains are liberals and Antifa goons..
2 white ANTIFA goons beat up 2 Hispanic marines, because they though t they were white supremacists.
DC Antifa leader arrested and charged for involvement in Philadelphia attack on two Marines
US military commanders might have to put all American cities run by Democrat mayors off limits for leave and liberty to protect the lives and safety of their troops.
April 20, 2021 at 4:09 PM
April 20, 2021 at 4:11 PM
April 20, 2021 at 4:12 PM
We know how you think, how you write, how you post. It is not much fin. It is like watching a slow motion train wreck carrying hazardous waste and explosives. You do not want to look or pay attention, but you have to.
You are a serious jerk 4:09, 4:11, 4:2 ... AND NOT AT ALL BRIGHT OR ENGAGING.
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