Thursday, April 1, 2021

WHO Says European COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Been 'Unacceptably Slow'


The World Health Organization has warned that Europe's COVID surge is "more worrying than it has been in months. It also said the European Union's vaccine rollout had been "unacceptably slow." 

WHO experts on Thursday criticized the sluggish pace of Europe's vaccine rollout and said a surge in coronavirus infections was "worrying." 

The organization also warned that the virus' rapid spread at present could increase the risk of new, concerning variants developing in the region. 

 More News On WHO Saying The European COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Been 'Unacceptably Slow' 


Anonymous said...

Fck the WHO and all these lying bastards

they're good for nothing but taking your tax dollars

They lied about the virus and still lie while millions died

Doi NOT take the vaccine nor the covid passport pushed on you by bug Pharma's drug pushers. How many million people has big pharma killed? You can't even visualise the number it's so big. And they had to pay hundreds of billions between them for their vile corruption and murder. And that's only the tip of the ice berg

Anonymous said...

But Europe is the perfect world. It is socialized medicine land!

It has got to be better than the evil capitalist USA.

Anonymous said...

Well yes it is, BUT we still have corrupt companies. We still have the great reset that no one voted for. We too are being taken hostage by robber barons and unelected bankers.

Anonymous said...

europe sucks and the US has the problem solved .

Anonymous said...

The US does have the problem solved. The enemedia (It means "enemy media" for those of you Rio Linda) has given p on reporting on "COVID" deaths because they are so few and far between in the tri-county area. When someone is 80 or 90 living in a nursing home and 2 or 3 die in a week, it is hard to get worked up about it.

Before COVID the average time at a nursing home was 5 months. A person is to get upset because the life expectance in a nursing home is 4 months instead of 5 months. People, who do get upset, could not name any longevity drugs, but they want to cry about someone they do not care about and never visited dying a little earlier in a nursing home. Yeah sure, you really care.

Anonymous said...

"Since COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in the United States on Dec. 14, more than 153 million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating over 56.1 million people or 16.9% of the total U.S. population." - NPR

In the US the vaccination rate is anywhere from 11.8% to 24.1%. It is head and shoulders above socialist Europe.

Anonymous said...

the problem is not solved in the US.It is on the way because of Biden initiatives. sorry losers.

Anonymous said...

Lol funny how someone advises not to take the vaccine and passports and then some pharma trolls claim it's soooooo good that in the US many have been tricked into taking this experimental shot.
Wow... brainwashed much?

Anonymous said...

Airhead looking for love stands by for a poltico to fill its head with cum.

Anonymous said...

If you take an experimental mRNA drug for a virus that barely kills anyone, you gotta get your head examined

If you accept a vaccine passport, the modern day Jewish star, and you accept that it's required to travel and do business, then I guarantee you, you'll be asked till to take several shots a year... sure, sure you'll say it's free, I'll reply you're a moron and to prove me wrong you'll accept the passport lol

The passport is a control mechanism
Millions of years of evolution and we never had a problem with coronaviruses.

Ask yourself this

Why, if vitamin D, exercise and decent diet increases your chances by several thousand percent to not even notice this bug, WHY has Fauci and big Pharma not once told you about it?

Are you familiar with big tech and how "you are the product" on their free service platforms like Facebook?

Well, you'll be the product in this new medical tyranny

Don't have the passport? No public transport for you.
That's worse than Jim Crow... much worse.. you don't get to go at the back of the bus, you don't get to go at all

Also you'll get no banking and other services if you as a population accept this vaccine passport

Evangelicals call it the mark of the beast because in the book of revelation they talk about this very same instance, where a population is denied access to basic services if they don't have the mark

My advice to any law maker: do not push the passports or you'll see a lot of blood shed. And if that's not enough, you'll be guilty of treason against your people for the deep state already has announced their plans to enslave us. And no, the deep state is not some really cool CIA dudes looking out for you.

It's bankers.
They are in control.

You're cattle to them. Ready to be marked. Wanting it. Craving it. That's why they don't respect you or see you as equals. To them you're sub human