Sunday, May 2, 2021

China Is Already ‘Engaging In Irregular War’ Against The U.S. In The ‘Grey Zone’ China already ‘engaging in irregular war’ with US in the ‘grey zone’ 

Experts say a China war is already well under way but Australia needs to take advantage of its obvious weakness. 

It’s war. But not as we know it. 

Decades of writings by China’s top tacticians reveal this to be so. 

 “National security leaders should look closely at what Chinese officials’ words and China’s military actions say about how the People’s Liberation Army might actually fight a war,” a US military academy analysis warns. 

They say it’s a war already well under way. 

That means the start of any ‘conventional’ conflict will be murky and confused. 

And, even once the shooting starts, sowing doubt and disbelief will be a significant weapon in its arsenal. 

It will involve police. 

It will involve militias. 

It will involve civilians. 

And all will serve to pave the way for the People’s Liberation Army’s more traditional weapons to find its target. 

It’s called the “Grey Zone”. 

It’s the space between peace and war. 

It’s where coercion, intimidation, propaganda and manipulation are at play.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: For more information on China engaging in "irregular war", this is a must read .... China’s Irregular Approach to War: The Myth of a Purely Conventional Future Fight (David Knoll, Kevin Pollpeter and Sam Plapinger, Modern War Institute)


jimbrown said...

Covid 19 as strategic crowd control is part of this effort.

It was test to see if they could control their own population then spread it quite easily abroad.

They are reviewing the detailed data openly provided by the rest of the world. They are pleased with its effectiveness and results. Of course, the PRC provides zero real information on its own country. The disruption to the world economy is a benefit.

They now can threaten any country with the mere threat of Covid 20 with a higher kill ratio.

Anonymous said...

Democrat Party engages in the 3 warfares in the US and has for over a generation.