Saturday, May 22, 2021

Editor's Note

 Finishing up on a project. Blogging will return tonight.

Update 22:00 EST: It has been a long day, Blogging will return tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

Toddler’s heart ‘ripped in half’ in fatal beating, mom’s boyfriend charged

Toddler’s heart ‘ripped in half’ in fatal beating, mom’s boyfriend charged

Democrat Party [policies are having their intended effect.

Democrats take perfectly good people and mess with their minds until they become evil.

Anonymous said...

Staffer Caught on Camera Awkwardly Crawling on the Ground Behind US Interior Secretary During Interview

I almost feel bad for the guy. Wanted to retrieve some paperwork paperwork to keep the flow going and thought the camera angle would be high not high and low.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln Center in New York City Honors Activist Who Praised Osama Bin Laden

RussInSoCal said...

There’s a new survey out about 2024, and it has great news for President Donald Trump.

Even after being shut down on social media and having his primary avenue of communication — Twitter — cut off, turns out the Republican base still wants Trump to run for president again.

According to a new McLaughlin & Associates survey, 73% of the base wants Trump to run again in 2024. Even more would vote for him if he did run, with 83% saying they would do so. Those are some pretty big numbers, and it’s clear that it means the base hasn’t moved on from Trump.

But perhaps the thing that is going to cause the Democrats to have a complete meltdown is how a projected race between Trump and Kamala Harris would end up.

According to the survey, Trump would trounce Harris, 49% to 45%.

Anonymous said...

Of course they want Trump, he was legendary AND he won. And they're pissed, and rightfully so, given all that happened.. and I don't think they'll forget either, even though 3 years are an eternity in US politics.

Anonymous said...

I'm not from the US, but I'd pay to watch the Democrats being frog- marched into labour camps for what they've done.

The election theft is hotly debated, still. And I take the side of Republicans, because I too have watched the poll watchers being kicked out.. I've seen the windows being barricaded, and the ballot boxes coming out in the middle of the night when the poll watchers were told to go home.

And that courts don't touch it is obvious, you have total anarchy in the streets. Maxine Waters(D) called for more violence to get a certain verdict against that cop. She's a lawmaker. She used terrorism for the outcome she wanted to achieve.

And there are countless examples during the "summer of love", where entire city blocks were put on fire and a population was terrorised by leftist Marxist fanatics who then got bailed out by Democrat AGs.

We all saw it.
The left dominates the media in the US alright.. but in Europe we saw what happened. So yeah, I'd pay good money to see them being walked into dark prison cells. I'd enjoy paying for it. No matter how much lol take my entire salary for a month if justice prevails.

Anonymous said...

Here is a prediction for you:
Trump will be indicted (I did not say found guilty or not guilty) by Jan 1. And so too some members of his family.