The officer said he would 'play God' by firing missiles at ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria from specialist cockpits 2,000 miles away at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire (file picture from 2017)
* The officer said he would 'play God' by firing missiles from RAF Waddington
* The vivid detail of the bloody aftermath captured by high-definition cameras
* The military man, 43, believes some of the deaths were 'morally questionable'
A former Reaper drone pilot has opened up about his lasting psychological scarring after years of watching people be blown up in vivid detail.
The officer said he would 'play God' by firing missiles at ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria from specialist cockpits 2,200 miles away at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire.
But the high-definition cameras that captured the bloody aftermath meant it was like he was only a matter of metres away - and still haunts him.
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WNU Editor: He does have a point ....
.... In an interview with The Times he said: 'When you are killing the enemy you see it in so much detail because you are watching them, sometimes for hours or even days on end, then lingering afterwards, watching the impact of what you have just done.
'Your brain can't tell the difference between 3,000 miles and 3ft.'
This is some kind of deluded bullshit, or else psyops. Take it from me, there is a huge difference between seeing war for real with you own eyes, and seeing it on a screen. There is no comparison.
First of all thank you to all men and women in service. I couldn't do it.
The reason why I never wanted to join the military is because it requires you to accept that you have to kill someone you might not know, someone who might not ever have done anything against you.. because war was declared..
And who declares war?
And who are the most corrupt people in this and other worlds?
The same. Politicians.
And who gets to profiteer of war? Bankers, suppliers and.. politicians
No way I kill another man or woman for any other reason than necessity. And by that I mean I'm near my grave and the attackers push me in and had it coming(they drowned a bunch of orphaned puppies and talked smack about the latest star trek series.. that kind of scum)
Humans know that life changes forever if they kill another human.
We all know it. That's why only few people, the sick, among us do it and want others to do it.
The worst, the most vile are the ones who do it for material gains .. and that's unfortunately what most wars have been shown to be about...
Bankers. Politicians. Suppliers
And the media that talks us all into war. Biggest offenders CNN for sure.
They love the money and ratings it brings. Merchants of death.
And did you know, most of the staff at CNN , from Toobin to Quest to Lemon are all sex offenders and all heavy drug users?
You know. Reliable sources. You wouldn't leave your children with them. Obviously. But you accept when they talk you into war and send off your sons. Hah. Isn't that funny how the human mind works?
War mongers.
The guy at the RAF will be traumatised for the rest of his life. The guys over at CNN who talked the American and British population into this war... they buy a new Porsche, get a new gf and then lecture YOU how racist or deplorable you are.
That's the current state of western civilisation and we are sleep walking into what's next.
I agree with first anon, and was about to write the same... but.. what I guess was meant is that if you kill and if you feel some remorse over it (hard not to unless you're a book definition of a psychopath) then your brain will keep going back to it and going back to it... it'll be no way near the experience of killing someone in close combat BUT a) he doesn't know, he's a chair assassin b) it almost doesn't matter as much of the trauma is caused by the helplessness of the targets, the associated guilt and that you might know them closer (staring at them for hours or sometimes days on a screen)...
It's certainly different but I'm sure the guy is fcked in his brain and soul for decades to come. And he'll get a pension that's about 1 month worth of CNN's core crew drug habit (about 30 staff) .. that's actually a good guess.
So let's get this straight
1. Politicians rise to power through corruption
2. War is declared when "politics failed", ie when politicians failed at their job
3. Then they profiteer off the war they couldn't avoid
if courts and police and military are not stopping these demons, then civilians need to put an end to it and rid the World of these monsters that keep holding us back and plunging us into meaningless and everlasting conflict
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