Monday, May 17, 2021

Former US Defense Secretary Chris Miller Says Former President Trump Ordered A Massive Global Troop Withdrawal After His Election Loss


Daily Mail: Trump ordered a massive global troop withdrawal after his election loss and Defense Secretary Chris Miller wanted to avoid 'a military coup, and soldiers on the streets' in the final days of his administration 

* Chris Miller was appointed acting Defense Secretary on Nov. 9 

* He told associates he had three priorities for his time in office 

* He wanted to avoid a major war, a military coup, and troops on the streets fighting civilians 

* He was one of a number of senior officials who opposed Trump's demands to bring troops home from Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria and Iraq 

* Last week he defended his actions when protesters attacked the U.S. Capitol 

* He said he did not want to deploy troops in advance for fear it would excite fears of a coup 

Donald Trump's Defense Secretary Chris Miller had three goals during the final days of the administration: Avoiding a major war, avoiding a military coup, and avoiding sending troops to do battle with citizens on American streets. 

His comments offer an extraordinary insight into the thinking of senior officials around Trump as he tried to cling to power. 

A new report reveals how in the weeks after Trump's election defeat, while he refused to accept the outcome at the polls, he tried to use loyalists to push through a withdrawal troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, Germany and Africa.  

Read more ....  

Update: Episode 9: Trump's war with his generals (Axios).  

WNU Editor: After reading this one one can now make the argument that when it comes to foreign policy and war, the Pentagon overrules the US President.


Anonymous said...

an outgoing president who lost the election

Anonymous said...

Trump, hate him or love him, was the one president that made significant strides towards peace in the middle east, didn't start any new wars and tried to reduce the footprint in Afghanistan (and was, as we have learned in the last months of his administration, secretly sabotaged by the Pentagon which instead of reducing the war, just rotated the troop numbers knowing that Biden will give them a pass, which he did, and didn't trial them for high treason/ subordination)

The media, CNN, Washington post, and even Fox, looooove a good war. It's great great business.

The left is in control now and will remain in control until people have had enough of the election thievery, the suppression pills ahead of elections, the media and big tech collaboration to suppress crucial voter information such as the Biden China corruption scandal, not even to speak about his son's sex crimes and the very credible pedophelia accusations by Joe Biden's perm family against the sitting, illegitimate president.

The US democracy has fallen. Many, MANY in Europe think like me and if someone in the USA wants to organise to rid your nation of these marxists, NOW is the time. While there are still good people in law enforcement and military. A few more years and they'll all be pushed out.

The move to defund police is not about black people being shot.. that's the cover for the marxists to get rid of the last few checks and balances.

You're at war.
Terrorists, that push violence in your streets got political gain, eg Maxine Waters and Kamela Harris famously pushed for MORE violence in your streets for political gain. That's terrorism.

You either push back and hold these hips accountable and swiftly so, or you'll further slide into chaos and soon sectarian violence.

The signs are all there. People in Europe want to help. Stand up!

Anonymous said...

When you are a lame duck president you give pardons, issue executive orders and do other things that you would not do otherwise, because there is congressional or institutional opposition. Donald Trump ordered

"What we know about Trump's withdrawal from northern Syria as critics argue it abandons Kurdish allies"

Oct 8, 2019

So Donald Trump ordered withdrawals after the election. He issued withdrawals well, well before the election.

The people, who are so worried about the Kurds, are doing nothing about it. For them the Kurds are an excuse to get their finger in the Middle East pie. That is all.

Are these same schmucks and farm animal molesters calling for a Kurdish homeland or state? Are they asking for a federated system in Syria or Iraq for the Kurds? Mo.

Are they discussing with the Iraqi POM and Iraqi parliament to treat the Kurds better or to share revenue in proportion to their population?

So what are these Nervous Nellies and Nervous Neds doing to improve the lot of the Kurds. Keep them from being defeat to day or for the next 3 months? It might seem all well and good that this is helping the Kurds, but it could just be letting them wither on the vine by slow attrition. SO what are those Trump critics proposing other than opposing Trump? Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Pentagon is willing to fight to the last Kurd. Mighty big of them.

Also these same assholes do not make a legal case for being in Syria and fight ands win for that legal justification in the public square. Not doing so, does great harm to the US.


FUCK 1:09 too!

Anonymous said...

Trump did NOT do what it says here till AFTER he knew he lost the election. Why? what did he want to do that for? Tell us please before you dismiss the issue.

Anonymous said...

Old military custom: when you disagree with the boss never say no, never openly oppose the action...just don’t do it and use one of millions of excuses.
It works especially well on civilian leaders with little military experience. The smart ones don’t give an completion date to the desired action, they give a begin no later than date. They use inertia as a tool.

Anonymous said...

Withdrawals were nothing new for President Trump. He was plain in not liking troops were a country isn’t worth the costs. Germany was an early call, but it will happen and not the 12k Trump wanted, it will be total withdrawal.

Anonymous said...

1) Chris Miller was appointed acting Defense Secretary on Nov. 9
2) Chris Miller is a cry baby.
3) He told associates he had three priorities for his time in office
4) Chris Miller is a schmuck.
5)He wanted to avoid a major war, a military coup, and troops on the streets fighting civilians
6)Chris Miller wants his mommy.
7) He was one of a number of senior officials who opposed Trump's demands to bring troops home from Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria and Iraq

A) Iraq
"No timetable for withdrawal of troops after US, Iraq talks"

Trump was right in withdrawing. Many Shia groups want us out. Will the Shia dominated government play the militia groups off against the US or negotiate faithfully?

It could be argued that we do not have to get the permission of the Iraqi government, since it is illegitimate. It is a not a majority government. It is a plurality government which persecutes over 50% of its citizens

B) Why are we in Somalia? Are we winning? It looks like we could be losing.

4,000–6,000 (2014 estimate)
7,000–9,000 (2017 estimate)

Do we have a plan for success or are we playing whack-a-mole? If ISIS, Al QAada, Al Shabaab or associated groups have spread to Mozambique we are losing.

It is better that we leave and come back than to go through the motions doing the same thing. Besides Congresses heart is more into internecine battles at home than giving a straightforward authorization for war.

C) Why are we in Syria? Assad wants us out. Democrats have a negative gauge pressure lip lock on various orifices and other parts of Assad. If Democrats consider Assad legit and he wants us out, how can we be in Syria? If we do not answer that question satisfactorily in the public square, the Left can surge 200,000 to a million people onto the streets of various cities for above board legit protest marches and other things not so good. Presstitutes though would have a grand time reporting the sturm and drang. Do Kurds and Sunni support Assad? If not, how can he be legit? Assad won an election. So did Lukashenko. If Putin believe he can make a play for White Russian, he might even honestly tell us how Lukashenko cheated and have bonafide proof.

D) Afghanistan? We poured in money and blood for 2 decades. The result for the cost is not germane unless you also list the money and blood the other side poured in. When you list the find the US poured into Afghanistan, list the funds the Pakistanis poured in on the Taliban side.

If you are not willing to accurately describe the problem in Afghanistan, why be there?

We never took the bull by the horns in Afghanistan. How could we win?

Trump was right.

Miller is an idiot.

fred said...


Anonymous said...

To my knowledge the war in Afghanistan/ the troops are kept there to basically keep the drug money from the poppy fields going to fund black ops in the billions.

Other than that likely just to do the typical neocon stick

But that's my point about democracy and representative democracy in particular.. it depends on media that tells you the truth and holds the powerful accountable. Instead, what we have with the likes of CNN is media that divides you along race and gender to keep you fighting and misinformed so their bosses can implement laws and regulations that basically plunder your public treasure, indebting you for generations to come.

I run a business and incorporated in the USA. I'm now very likely moving my business out of the US, as the left is completely ruining the America I know. Thought police, totalitarianism, heck, Maxine Waters, a Democrat lawmaker called for MORE violence in your streets unless the courts convicted that police officer. It's insane. She single handedly made me doubt the future of the USA in which now the mob rules, quality under the law has become a joke etc etc

In short, I've got multiple degrees including from an ivy league school, and I'm now likely moving my business.

That's called brain drain. It's the sign when things go very very bad.

And it's not just me.. my business friends too, all from Europe and traditionally very open and aligned with US interests are considering the very same thing.. same reasons.. leftist marxists and Democrat fanatics, incompetence, calling people racist, woke cancel culture and on and on... it's a national security issue very soon as this is going to accelerate and the people who can leave this mess WILL leave.

Money is fluid and moves across borders easily. Push back hard and push back now and rid every organisation of these fanatics is my advice or it'll game over so quick you won't believe it

Just as a side note, to those who live in the US and haven't traveled much or lived much in other countries.. please, take my advice.. you're falling back in every aspect.. infrastructure.. taxes.. ease of doing business(regulations!), cultural climate.. it's banana republic level and your politicians are lying to you about the severity of it all.

Please wake up

Anonymous said...

How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost

Anonymous said...

Trump ran for office. He communicated to the voting public. He got elected. He went about trying to implement it.


Civilian control of the military does not mean that once elected president, you get to do things, but only if the bureaucracy or the major players in it allow you to.

The public did not elect Chris Miller or some cabal or oligarchy he is part of.

Maybe we should. Maybe we should change the constitution and elect cabals or syndicates, who have teams or are "experts" on this or that.

So Trump was simplistic and dumb, but the experts are smart. So explain why the experts did not get Afghanistan won in 15 years? Explain why Obama was smart for wanting to leave Afghanistan n 2011, but Trump is dumb.

Come on, go to it Fred. You're full of vinegar and piss. Explain!

Try explaining in your own words. Try not to be like a liberal journalist(Jayson Blair) or Joe Biden by plagiarizing.

Anonymous said...

We went into Afghanistan: do you know the reason?
We were winning the war we went there...then President
______ decided to invade ____ and that took the heat off our enemy in Afghanistan, that is the ______. Trump said we should withdraw from Afghanistan. The military said No. We stayed. Biden, our current president has given a date for full withdrawal. The military suggested otherwise. Biden said We will withdraw. That is that.
now, know it all, fill in the blanks

Anonymous said...

In WW2 the US fought a 4 front war. Now, however dweebs expect us to be like a juggler with one arm tied behind the back juggling a single ball.

Afghanistan is a nation of 32 million people. We are not fighting all of them. Estimates of Taliban strength have been as low as 20,000 and north of 60,000. The US cannot defeat 60,000 fighter and Iraq at the same time?

We succeeded in Iraq. It was quiet in 2011, Which left just 1 war. Well except for that little diversion where Barack smashed a country called Libya to pieces and then just walked away. Apparently, Colin Powell's pottery barn rule does not apply to Hussein, because well Hussein is black. So Colin won't call him out on it.

So if Going into Afghanistan and then Iraq is a mistake, the would not be fighting in Afghanistan and starting a fight in Libya be just as stupid?

Oh wait, that was smart diplomacy or use of power. Samantha Powers and the rest of them told us that. Never mind that 10 years later Libya is still in a civil war or that it caused Europe to be swamped in refugees. I guess you would call that a two-fer. Barack is really, really smart!

Barack had from sometime in 2011 to 2016, where he had just one war. He could not get it done? Why because the Taliban had a running head start from their safe Pakistan provided base of operations?

IS that like a hard and fast military axiom? If allow 20,000 to 60,0000 men to plot and connive in relative peace, because they are not your sole focus, they automatically win?

Please explain that military axion to all of us, oh great armchair general!

Answer bird brain.

Anonymous said...

simple: we were defeating the Taliban. After Bush diverted toIraq, tal;ibamn regroupe3d and now we are ouot. Out Because Biden got the US out; Trump said we would leave and genedral overuled him and we stayed till a real man did was leadeers do!
now: fuck you and fuck your entire family

Anonymous said...

"simple: we were defeating the Taliban"

We were? Explain how running the Taliban out of Afghanistan into Pakistan is winning? Especially science Pakistan was giving them aid?

The only thing that shocked the Taliban is that the US projected power so far inland form any logistical base or true ally. They are also dismayed the US have stuck it out so long.

If you were honest, which you are not and if you lit up two brain cells simultaneously other than to tell people "fuck your entire family", maybe you could expound on the 1st and 2nd Battles of Swat. After the Pakistan Army battled the Taliban in Swat, how did they in any way impede the Taliban in FATA?

Explain how 100,000 or 200,0900 soldiers in Afghanistan going to defeat the Taliban in FATA, if they cannot cross over into Pakistan?

Explain for the edification of the dear readers, explain why you were or are against the US having gone into Cambodia. Why protest?