Saturday, May 8, 2021

Group Of French Air Force Pilots Face Legal Repercussions For Tying A Pilot To Pole At A Firing Range And Drop Bombs Around Him In A Hazing Incident

Sputnik: Scandal in French Air Force as Pilots Tie Pilot to Pole at Firing Range and Drop Bombs Around Him 

The French Penal Code punishes acts of hazing (‘bizutage’) with up to six months in prison and a 7,500 euro fine. Until recently, hazing had been seen as a ‘rite of passage’ symbolising a person’s integration into their peer group, with soldiers, students and workers in some professions subjected to the humiliating and potentially deadly practice. 

A group of French Air Force pilots are facing legal repercussions after being accused of tying a 27-year-old comrade to a pole at a firing range and taking to the skies in fighter jets to rain bullets and bombs around him.  

According to local media, the incident took place at an airbase in the south of Corsica in March 2019, with the pilot’s lawyer saying colleagues grabbed his client, tied him up with adhesive tape and put a bag over his head. After that, he was taken to the local firing range in the back of a pickup truck, tied to a target, and for the next twenty minutes heard warplanes dropping bombs and firing bullets around him.  

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WNU Editor: Raining bullets and bombs around him!?!?!?!? They should get the book thrown at them.


Anonymous said...

I withhold comment 'til I see the munitions' impact and it's relationship with the pilot's location.

Stephen Davenport said...

lol..I think its funny