Monday, May 17, 2021

How Much Do US Special Forces Make?

Yahoo News: How Much Do Navy SEALs and Other Special Ops Make? 

We’re all familiar with the commercials encouraging Americans to enlist in the military. Action-packed and provocative, these ads (even those that call out individual career types) tend to keep it simple, glossing over details about one very important factor: money. How much can you make in the military, particularly as you advance up the rungs? 

When you’re talking about base salary, the answer is not a whole lot — at least, not when compared with many civilian careers. Even those in high-ranking special forces divisions aren’t sweeping in hundreds of thousands of bucks a year; in fact, they’re often earning much less. Money worries often plague military families, with nearly 9 in 10 active service members and 84% of military spouses worried about money, a National Foundation for Credit Counseling report found. 

To get a better idea of how military pay works, here’s a look at special forces military careers in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force, respectively, considering the average salary and from there, breaking down how payment in the military generally works. You’ll want to read on to see some of the perks and benefits that might make the lower pay worth it for you.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Not enough.


Anonymous said...

Try last century; $102.50/month, E-1 under two years. This was 1967 just before the pay raise to $105.00/month, E-1 under two years.
Eventually, due to an increase in rank to E-4, equivalent to corporal and in a combat zone I made $250/month. Statewide would have been $180/month.

Hard to believe, ain't it.

Anonymous said...

I am Brazilian and for me the Navy Seals earn very little compared to bad agents from the CIA and the NSA, where they have only violated the USA itself to China

fazman said...

This is misleading , although it's not enough , once you take into account field allowances, away allowances, tax breaks etc , war zone bonus you can about double it .