Friday, May 21, 2021

India Facing Another Epidemic Called 'Black Fungus'


DW: India: Deadly 'black fungus' surges among COVID-19 patients 

Some doctors say that a panic use of steroids to fight the coronavirus has caused an explosion of the rare fungal disease. 

"Black fungus" kills more than 50% of patients within days. 

India has ordered stricter surveillance of a rare fungal disease affecting COVID-19 patients, authorities announced Thursday. 

India's capital New Delhi will also set up special hospital wards to combat mucormycosis, or "black fungus," authorities added.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is a nasty and deadly disease with an unbelievable 50% death rate if you catch it. 

More News On India Facing Another Epidemic Called The 'Black Fungus'  

‘Black fungus’ disease linked to Covid spreads across India -- The Guardian  

They recovered from Covid, only to die of 'black fungus.' What we know about the disease sweeping India -- CNN 

The danger that trails India's black fungus crisis -- Financial Times 

Indian government calls on states to declare ‘black fungus’ EPIDEMIC as cases of deadly disease rise -- RT  

What is 'black fungus' and why India? -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Obvious solution is to ban all soil on the earth.

The UIN will need to come up with a solution, where we dig a big pit and dump all soil into it and seal it with a tick concrete plug.

"Common sources of infections are from soil, damp walls on old buildings etc."

Also, Who WILL STOP the Rain? No rain no damp walls.

Seriously, this is made for politicians. They can make carbs cheap and good food expensive. They can make street unsafe so a person cannot exercise by walking. They can increase taxes to make it hard for a person to have any time to walk.



Anonymous said...

Time to PANIC!

"Not every hospital in the USA is required to publicize details of infectious outbreaks which occur within their facilities. In 2014, details of a lethal mucormycosis outbreak[23] which occurred in 2008 emerged after television and newspaper reports responded to an article in a pediatric medical journal.[24] Contaminated hospital linen was found to be spreading the infection. A 2018 study found many freshly laundered hospital linens delivered to U.S. transplant hospitals were contaminated with Mucorales"

It has been studied for awhile and it is everywhere. A bet you can come into contact with it by chopping wood. Anyone, who goes outside or chops wood needs to turn their house BSL-4 lab.

Either that or to nuke it from orbit. It is the only way to be sure.

Maybe city ordinances can include air locks for all houses to prevent fungal contamination of house interiors?