Monday, May 17, 2021

Inside The Pentagon's Secret Undercover Army

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Newsweek: Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army 

The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies. 

The unprecedented shift has placed an ever greater number of soldiers, civilians, and contractors working under false identities, partly as a natural result in the growth of secret special forces but also as an intentional response to the challenges of traveling and operating in an increasingly transparent world. The explosion of Pentagon cyber warfare, moreover, has led to thousands of spies who carry out their day-to-day work in various made-up personas, the very type of nefarious operations the United States decries when Russian and Chinese spies do the same. 

Newsweek's exclusive report on this secret world is the result of a two-year investigation involving the examination of over 600 resumes and 1,000 job postings, dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests, and scores of interviews with participants and defense decision-makers. What emerges is a window into not just a little-known sector of the American military, but also a completely unregulated practice. No one knows the program's total size, and the explosion of signature reduction has never been examined for its impact on military policies and culture. Congress has never held a hearing on the subject. And yet the military developing this gigantic clandestine force challenges U.S. laws, the Geneva Conventions, the code of military conduct and basic accountability.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: What I find astounding about this report is that it appears that there is no Senate/Congressional oversight over this Pentagon operation.


Anonymous said...

It's just another sign that democracy as most people understand it doesn't exist.
You do not get a say in wars. That's decided by others and you'll get to be programmed by CNN to just go along with war. You'll love the breaking news and the amber alerts. It's addictive. CNN made 3x more money in the 9/11 aftermath when they first hooked everyone on these color codes.. orange alert.. red alert.. be scared of muslims..omg the panic they spread, the xenophobia, the hatred...

And until we get rid of media that is out of balance(to put it mildly) and there's ZERO oversight of war and when a president (see trump) ORDERS to remove troops from Afghanistan and then the Pentagon gets away with lying to him about it and effectively keeping the troops there, you must realise what this is... the end stage of US democracy.

It's a shame. Some is understandable as there's a need for secrecy.. but this... and on so many levels.. the lies.. from pharmaceuticals to get you hooked, to water with hundreds of thousands of dead civilians to lies about climate change and the role of man in it... it's an assault and an insult to free men and women who can see through this (not talking about the lemmings here like Fred Lapides, that guys mind is gone and he'll cheer for CNN even when there's no more gas and no more food because the fcking crazy leftists destroyed your nation)

Good luck, everyone. This is just the start of things to come, it'll get much worse in the next couple decades if you don't manage to get rid of these occultists "science science" fanatics who have never read a paper, who have no degrees other than arts and literature or modern hatred of men/ feminism degrees. They're the end of civilisation and think they know it all.. haven't traveled.. haven't lived in other countries, HATE your own country ... and they are growing in numbers thanks to the 24/7 media indoctrination. Trump was right, the media as it exists today IS the enemy of the people.. they treat us like mushrooms.. feeding us shit while keeping us in the dark.. dividing us to rule us





Anonymous said...

Get rid of the media, says the comment. And guess who made this army known to the public? the media!!!

Anonymous said...

1:52 does seem over the top and I suspect trolling. But what about getting rid of the media? We should keep it, because it did something right? That is a bad argument.

Pablo Escobar gave charity out to people in his hometown. Does it offset all the junkies he created in Columbia and elsewhere?

There s a reason why people will preface a new story that the news organization "accidently did journalism".

Seth Meyers: Sean Hannity Accidentally Did Journalism With Rudy Giuliani Chat

I disagree with Seth Myers. Hannity is not a reporter and does not pretend to be one. The linked article does prove that the concept of news organizations accidently doing journalism exists.

Media today has a lot in common with street gangs. They both do driver-by's.

Anonymous said...

The internet is a wonderful thing. through the internet we have access to 99% of everything humans now know. Open source science papers are publish literally by the hundreds every day. Multiple experts in any field, Nobel Prize winners no less. The media as a whole in America is occupied by arrogant, ignorant (As in ignore all the facts), activist who have zero sense of self awareness (foundation of intelligence). Some are nothing more than pigs in human suits. The only way it changes is for others to recognize the psychosis within themselves created by their reliance on the media.

My solution? once I recognize I was lied to blatantly, I remember the outfit that did it. When I click on a news story the first thing I do is look at the url. If it is Vox, or NY Times or a dozen other, I leave the story and don't read it. I go to and research the subject matter.


Anonymous said...

Ron yeah I was trolling a bit.
But my points stand.
Think of all the misery and deaths the lies of the MSM cost. Millions for sure just in the last ten years. The wars they pushed based on false information THEY claimed or suggested was accurate. The drugs they push. The conflict of interest they have, the fact that most of their advertisement money COMES from pharma. That they divide you along race and gender lines and the misery that causes.
When I say "death to tyrants"i of course want them to have a fair trial, not what maxine Waters did. This ghoul in human skin making a mockery of law.
The fact that they cover for their crimes, just think of the thousands Cuomo killed and his brother on CNN covers for him.

I do wish death upon them for what they did to mankind. A slow miserable death preferably. Judy think of the hundreds of thousands of civilians that died because of the lies they pushed and believe me, Zucker (ceo of cnn) knows exactly what he does. But people like him don't care. Just look at his demonic eyes and tell me that being has a soul.

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, on the third "death to tyrants" I pulled my two favorite AR's out of the safe, hugged them, but then thought, "not yet my brothers", kissed them and put them away.

Everything you say they are they are. I used to carry that burden with me. But now I look at it like drugs. Who cares, I do not use the drugs. Fook up your life, it is yours not mine. So it is with the beasts of media. I could care less about their existence. I shut off the radio every time it hits the top of the hour. I know the sheep and their herd psychosis creates a human that is not going to be capable of escape when they realize too late they have been herded to the slaughter house.

Me, I won't be herded anywhere. I am prepared to survive what's coming. Time will tell.
