Monday, May 3, 2021

Japan's Tank Forces Prepare For A Potential Clash With China

Type 61 main battle tanks during an exercise at Camp Fuji in Japan, November 18, 1985. US Defense Department  

Business Insider: Japan is rethinking how to use its tanks to prepare for a potential clash with China 

 * Japan built a large and capable armored force to counter the Soviets during the Cold War. 

* But a rising China poses a new challenge, and Japan is changing how it designs and uses its armor. 

Despite a few successes early in World War II, Japanese armor was hopelessly outclassed by Allied tanks as soon as they arrived in large numbers. 

Those experiences and the threat of a Soviet invasion led the Japanese to put much more effort into post-war tank designs.

By the 1990s, Japan had a large and capable armored force. But the Japan Self Defense Force (JSDF) has had to recalibrate in recent decades. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Even with these improvements, Japan's armored forces arel still outgunned 3:1 by China


Anonymous said...

Tedious commentary. Thanks for trying, though.

Anonymous said...

It seems the Japanese tanks will only be useful if Chinese invade Japan, which is unlikely. I doubt the Japanese will seek to invade China

Dave Goldstein said...

If the Japanese can take on Godzilla the Chinese won't be any problem at all.

Tasman Gleeson said...

If Taiwan allows Japan to put boots on their soil to help defend there island maybe otherwise there forces will be only used in a defensive posture for there own territory.