Friday, May 28, 2021

Newly Released Radar Footage Shows UFOs Swarming A US Navy Ship


Daily Mail: 'Holy s***. They’re going fast': Radar shows the USS Omaha being SWARMED by 14 UFOs in same incident spherical aircraft was filmed disappearing into Pacific Ocean 

* In July 2019, radar seen by sailors aboard USS Omaha shows as many as 14 UFOs swarming ship in Pacific 

 * At least one of the UFOs was traveling at speeds of more than 160mph, according to radar data 

* Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell says radar corroborates earlier clip showing UFO near San Diego 

* Original clip shows spherical object dropping into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego in July 2019 

* It was leaked hours after a Navy veteran based in Virginia said the UFOs could pose a security threat 

* Former Navy Lt. Ryan Graves said he and colleagues spotted objects in restricted airspace off the Virginia 

* Graves said pilots filmed the sightings but grew so used to seeing them that they took them for granted  

* He said the UFOs, seen between 2015 and 2017, have capabilities far in advance of known US aircraft 

* An Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force will release a report on 'UAP' sightings next month 

Video showing an unidentified flying object splashing down into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego two years ago appears to have been corroborated by military radar which shows as many as 14 UFOs swarming a Navy combat ship while traveling at speeds of more than 160mph.

Earlier this month, investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell released footage showing what appeared to be a spherical object floating in the air above the ocean as it was observed by US Navy sailors aboard the USS Omaha in July 2019. 

Corbell on Thursday released another video of the same incident, only this clip shows military radar being observed by sailors on the Omaha.  

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WNU Editor: These little snippets here and there have certainly whetted everyone's appetite to see more. This blogger included. 

More News On Newly Released Radar Footage Showing UFOs Swarming A US Navy Ship  

UFO filmmaker releases 46-second video allegedly showing swarm of objects hovering near Navy ship -- USA Today  

Leaked radar video shows UFOs swarming U.S. Navy ship -- NBC  

New footage shows UFOs swarming Navy ship -- FOX News  

Newly released radar footage shows UFOs swarming Navy ship, filmmaker claims -- NYPost


Jac said...

160 mph is not fast.

Anonymous said...

The bag is opened now and it ain't gonna be closed.

Dave Goldstein said...

I'm surprised the Omaha didn't open fire. I'd like to see if they can out run a sm3

Chinxe said...

Greeat blog you have here

Chinxe said...

Great read thannks