Thursday, May 20, 2021

Pentagon Begins Purge Of Extremists From Ranks

Victory Girls: Military Begins Purge Of Extremists From Ranks 

Using the Capitol Breach of January 6, 2021 as their excuse, the Pentagon, under Secretary of Defense LLoyd Austin, has begun a purge of extremists in the military. To that end, Austin has hired fellow West Point graduate Bishop Garrison to head the Countering Extremism Working Group and develop the plan for the purge. 

According to CNN, 14% of those arrested for the incursion on January 6 were military veterans. Not active duty, but veterans. LLoyd Austin is using this as an excuse to purge those currently serving and institute Critical Race Theory. He released a video to support his 60 Day Stand Down. In the video, Austin asked soldiers to recommit themselves to the oath they took when they were sworn in and to share with leadership any experiences they have had with extremism in the ranks.  

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WNU Editor: This is not going to end well.


Anonymous said...

It's a Marxist leftist radical global corporate financed and backed takeover

They try to get away with the election theft

They try to maintain the corrupt status

They want to plunder your public treasure before the ship goes down

They use terrorism in your streets to subdue you and achieve their wicked goals

They committed treason on so many counts, it's a death and life struggle

Do not let these corrupt, vile, inhumans get away with this


Or tyranny will spread further and further

Anonymous said...

They also try to get rid of the police, just how much more do you need to know?

The military and the police were the last Republican strongholds and loyal to the constitution

Wake up!

They use TERROR and then claim YOU are the extremist.

Biden is illegitimate
Look at his pedophelia, his money laundering with China, his completely failed and drugged and sex addicted family.

Trump's family, all his kids are normal

Biden is like Fred. Pedo all over. Corrupt. Demented. Vile. Evil.

Do not let them continue to use terror in the streets and election thievery to subdue you.

There's a clear distinction between the demonic left and the right.

Make your choice now and don't let these monsters, these freaks, these mentally insane people damage your republic more.

Just look at the studies of mental disease on the left, TWICE(!!) As high as on the right. Vile. Corrupt. Demented. Evil. Wrong. Sick. All of it.

Defend the constitution. The left tries to eradicate it and tries to replace it and religion with state party adherence.

They're fascists. Demonic fascists.

Anonymous said...

Next up, rainbow patterned uniforms with lace cuffs.

This is the beginning of the decline of America's military.

Anonymous said...

Bishop Garrison?

Who names their kid Bishop?

They might as well as named their kid "Bus Stop #9".

I have seen the name "Governor" for a given name. I thought it was presumptuous.

Why not call you kid Priest, Clergy, Acolyte, Shaman, or Choir Boy of you are going to name
them Bishop.

Any doubts that Bishop had a hard childhood and that now that he has been given power, he will wreck Holy Hell against anyone and everyone?

'Mafia No Fear' a no go, but 'Number 16 Bus Shelter' OK: New Zealand releases banned baby names list

Anonymous said...

Garrison has been in the news for a week. I finally looked him up. He is black. Figures.

We have Bishop, we have Governor, ...

Hey I know, the baby names Representative, Senator, Mayor, President, Supreme Court Justice have not been taken.

Or why not "Nobel Laureate" for a first name. Maybe we could get real clever and have "Nobel" as first name and "Laureate" as a middle name. Be sneaky about it. Make it not so obvious.

Anonymous said...

Biden is illegitimate
prove what you say or you are a fucking lying piece of shit
Jan 6 electoral count is on tape to prove you are wrong.
chief justice of supreme court swore in Biden: you are wrong
30 court cases toss out because made stupid claims like yours
you take the word of a losing turd who you follow no matter what shit he tosses you to wallow in

Anonymous said...

stand up for your rights! sure. first land to walk

Anonymous said...

12:18 is almost in full melt down mode. Watch it. It is coming!

Anonymous said...

Frodo is so demented he cheers on a coup

Anonymous said...

The U.S. Military Has a White Supremacy Problem

read this and put aside noncomments that merely call me names like a 6th grader does

Anonymous said...

How come Democrats bullied out poll watchers and in other cases told them to go home and then in the middle of the night pull out box after box and keep counting? And how come all "counts"were for Biden?
You must be a completely braindead person to ignore what's going on

Anonymous said...

What about the black power extremists? Will they be rooted out? Of course not. It's a coup you fool

Anonymous said...

Hmm yeah that's a bit odd, there's numerous example of black power activists inside the US military, yet they only talk about white "extremists", and just after the election lol

I agree.. if it walks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's a duck, ie. A coup

That's what the majority in my country(UK) thinks too

Anonymous said...

1:20 is literally a piece of shit. Deep down they know they are.

Three decades ago there were 12 white racists in my unit. The military ran every one of them out of the service. The military has not become welcoming to white racists.

Funny thing is the unit never ran out the Nation of Islam black racists. What the brass did do is work with a former gang leader from Detroit to talk to black service members. I know this because the former gang leader was a fellow mason. He was a good guy. I did encounter out and out racists at the lodge as well as some really good people.

So the unit brass wanted to talk black racists off the ledge, but did not extend the same courtesy to white racists. Double standard

I would just like to reiterate that 1:20 PPM is a fvcking POS and I hope they move to utopia, NYC, Baltimore or Washington DC.

Anonymous said...

242 exactly
There's numerous videos on YouTube of black guys in full armour and heavy weapons(I'm not into weapons, I'm from the UK but they looked like military assault rifles) and they are clearly radicalised and on camera they talk about that they're edgar thefck is going on in your country, m8? They literally make white people kneel, or raise their fist and if not they harass them.. that's incredible

Anonymous said...

Because you have served in the military and know the Real Truth, right?

Anonymous said...

3:07 to whom are your replying. If the reader does not know, you comment might as well be a fart ricocheting in a hot skillet, You do not know, where it is going to go next.