Friday, May 28, 2021

Pentagon 'Rapidly' Making Plans To Evacuate Thousands Of Afghan Interpreters

Spc. Heather Ray and Pfc. Jacqueline Buschman, Battle Company, 5th Battalion 20th Infantry Regiment, Task Force 1-14 Cavalry Regiment, and their female interpreter, return from a meeting with some Afghan women in the village of Akhvond Qalay, Afghanistan. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)  

NBC: U.S. planning for possible evacuation of Afghan interpreters, says top U.S. general  

The U.S. military is ready to ensure protection of Afghan translators "and get them out of the country if that's what they want to do," said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs. 

WASHINGTON — The Defense Department and the State Department are drawing up plans for the possible evacuation of Afghans whose lives are in danger because of their work for the U.S. government, the U.S. military's top officer said. 

Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it was clear that a "significant" number of Afghans who worked as interpreters or in other roles for the American military or the U.S. Embassy face potential retribution by the Taliban. 

"Their safety could be at risk. And we recognize that that's a very important task, is to ensure that we remain faithful to them and that we do what's necessary to ensure their protection and, if necessary, get them out of the country if that's what they want to do," Milley told reporters aboard his plane after he delivered a commencement address Wednesday at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. 

The State Department is overseeing the issue, Milley said in remarks his office released Thursday.

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WNU editor: We are talking about thousands of interpreters. When you include their families and other Afghans who worked for the coalition. I would not be surprised if tens of thousands of Afghans are going to be evacuated in the coming months. 

More News On The Pentagon 'Rapidly' Making Plans To Evacuate Thousands Of Afghan Interpreters  

DoD Has a Plan to Evacuate Afghan Interpreters, Milley Says --  

Milley says U.S. planning for potential evacuation of Afghan translators from region -- The Hill  

US planning to evacuate Afghan interpreters -- BBC 

U.S planning to relocate Afghan workers and families who contributed to its military missions -- Khaama Press

1 comment:

RussInSoCal said...

And thanks to NBC tens of thousands of Afghan interpreters are now in severe danger.