Saturday, May 22, 2021

President Biden Promises To Put Together A 'Major Package' For Palestinians Whose Homes Were Destroyed In Fighting With Israel

President Joe Biden said there had been no shift in his position on Israel despite this week urging the Israeli military to de-escalate strikes on Gaza as he came under pressure from members of his own party to do more to protect Palestinian human rights  

Daily Mail: 'They need help': Biden says he will put together 'major package' for Palestinians whose homes have been destroyed in fighting with Israel and will ensure the money doesn’t go 'to Hamas to rebuild their weapons systems' 

* President Joe Biden said he was ready to work with other nations in helping Palestinians rebuild homes flattened by Israeli strikes 

 * 'They need help,' he said, so long as Hamas does not have 'the ability to rebuild their weapons systems' 

 * Biden also underlined U.S. support for two-state solution to Middle East conflict 

 * 'I'm praying this ceasefire will hold,' he said at White House press conference

 * He said his party's stance had not shifted despite his calls on the Israeli military to de-escalate its strikes on Gaza

 * He said peace would not be possible until region acknowledges 'the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state' 

President Biden promised to help Palestinians who lost their homes during 11 days of Israeli strikes on Gaza as he offered prayers Friday for a ceasefire to hold. 

During a press conference to mark the visit of South Korean President Moon Jae-in, he insisted he remained committed to Israeli security. 

But he struck a careful balance between both sides as he announced plans to help Palestinians in Gaza rebuild their lives so long as Hamas militants, who rained rockets on Israel, were not able to rebuild their armaments.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There are hundreds of thousands of Americans who are homeless and living in American cities, but the White House will spend money to build homes in Gaza. 

You just cannot make this stuff up.


RussInSoCal said...

Not homes, more rockets.



Tasman Gleeson said...

As long as it is not a package for Hamas to get there hands on to make more rockets to fire at Isreal.

Anonymous said...

Biden the clueless and the rest of the liberals are being their most vile.

They are enabling Hamas. Funding is fungible. Every penny of every dollar given by the US can be accounted for. Any $$$ spent by the US on housing is $$$ Hamas can spend instead on swords instead of plows.

The UAE was already helping with finds in Gaza, so why should the US step in except to please the Rashid Tlaibs, Ilhan Omnars (not her real name) and AOCs drooling among us?

God, Biden is such a weak, crazed old fool.

fazman said...

How about he fixes the countless slums in his own country

Anonymous said...

how about the GOP approve the many infrastructures he wants for you?

Anonymous said...

They've been after the right to abortion for decades. The next thing they did was go after the Voting Rights Act. And just watch: They'll go after Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Act next.

Nothing is sacred to Republicans anymore. Not the right to vote. Not the right to be free of search and seizure in your own home. Not the right to be free of religion if you so choose. Not the right to be free of discrimination on the basis of race, sex, creed or national origin. The only "right" they respect in this day and age is the right to follow Donald Trump, and they are in the process of turning that right, at least within their own Republican Party, into an obligation. To have rights, such as those enumerated in the Bill of Rights, is a founding principle of democracy. To impose obligations, as in the obligation to adhere unquestioningly to a leader, is a principle of authoritarianism.

The Republican Party has turned against democracy. They will not let anything stand in their way. This week, the Supreme Court, with six justices appointed by Republican presidents, agreed to hear a case arising from a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Just yesterday, the governor of the state of Texas signed a law banning all abortions the moment a fetal heartbeat can be detected, about six weeks after a woman becomes pregnant — and before most women realize that they are, in fact, pregnant. A similar bill was signed into law in South Carolina in February. The state of Tennessee passed a fetal heartbeat law last year. Now the Volunteer State has a bill under consideration that would allow the father of an unborn child, even if that father is a rapist who caused the pregnancy, to get a court order stopping the mother from getting an abortion. The veto power of the father over the abortion rights of the mother would be absolute, putting men, even criminals, in overall control of women's bodies. According to NARAL Pro Choice America, more than 60 bills have been introduced or passed in state legislatures this year to restrict abortion.

The defenestration of the Voting Rights Act is all the evidence you need that the Republican Party is refighting the Civil War with words. Chief Justice John Roberts relied on the principle of so-called "equal sovereignty" to justify overturning Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which required nine states, mostly in the Deep South, to get pre-clearance from the Department of Justice before changing their voting laws. Congress included the pre-clearance provision in the law because the states of the Deep South had a long history of restricting the voting rights of Black citizens. Justice Roberts found in his decision that treating states "unequally" by requiring certain states to get pre-clearance while not requiring the same of others was unconstitutional. He went on to say that the instances of Southern states discriminating against their Black citizens' voting rights were 40 years old and could therefore be dismissed as relics of another era.

Anonymous said...

8:17 is a troll.

Europe has voter ID. They also have many people in color. 8:17 is going Von Munchausen on the minority population pretending that they are not smart enough to go done to the courthouse, DMV or other government office and get an ID for $5.

I would like to meet you IRL and announce to any minorities what you think of them.

fazman said...

Yep, truer words never spoken

Anonymous said...

Can confirm@Europe.. voter ID is the standard. Luckily we don't have ghoulish media that calls us racist for protecting vote integrity.
And to really drive it home for the retarded among us... even in districts and states with 99% white population there's voter ID. EVERYONE has to have it.

Anonymous said...

What are the words Parrot uses? Her uses the words "Phuck thee"

Well right back at you little guy.

From Wiki

In France, voters must prove their identity to vote: at the registration (proof of address—A phone, water or electricity invoice...—and an identity document that proves your nationality—National Identity Card or Passport—and on the day of the vote, in towns larger than 1000 inhabitants, an identity document is required.[16][17]

In Finnish elections, eligible voters are sent a notice of the right to vote (notification of eligibility) to their home address by mail. The notification of eligibility will designate a voter's polling station, where voters must cast their vote, if voting on election day. Advance voting is possible at any of the general advance polling stations in Finland or abroad. Voters must present an identity document when voting. Voters are encouraged to bring along their notice of the right to vote.[18]

Germany uses a community-based resident registration system. Everyone eligible to vote receives a personal polling notification by mail, some weeks before the election. The notification indicates the voter's precinct polling station. Voters must present their polling notification and if asked a piece of photo ID (identity card), passport, form of identification). As a rule identification is not required other than by the polling notification. If the voter cannot present the notification, a valid ID and an entry in the register of voters can qualify for voting.[19][20]

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 8:17. Unconvincing rant.

Anonymous said...

If you consider Frederick Lapides or someone pretending to be him as ranting, when they are actually copying and pasting articles in toto from leftwing media rags, then it was a rant.

The guy is a tool as far as I am concerned.

Jac said...

Why American's have to pay for something we have nothing to do?
Next step: we are going to give tanks, F-16's and nuclear weapon to Hamas. Where are we going?

Anonymous said...

WNU and the rest of you dolts should know that since the Six-Day War, American taxpayers have handed over $100 billion to the Apartheid state.

But, yes a few $million to fix what the used car salesman exploded will bankrupt 'merica.

You can do better than this WNU.

Anonymous said...

6:12 aka troll or just a dumb mother

There are the Camp David Accords. President Carter got it done by offering aid to both Israel and Egypt.

So it was not handed over. It was part of a treaty. Israel gave up the whole Sinai Peninsula, which it won during a war.

What country having won a war gave up territory as large as itself for peace? Israel is the only one.

You are a disgusting lying idiot 6:12.

Anonymous said...

$100 billion is a lot more than a few $million. Do think that money for Egypt ever got to Palestine? It was recycled into arms purchases and military exercises like Bright Star. You know, the MIC, AKA white people's welfare.

It's quite easy to comprehend 6:32.

You're the type of douche that throws a fit when a black guy uses food stamps to buy a six-pack.

Anonymous said...

Egypt signed a peace treaty. They got back 23,000 square miles without a shot being fired.

And they got oil back , which helps the Egyptian economy.

Egypt Strikes Oil in Sinai - Israel National News
Search domain israelnationalnews.com

Egypt was condemned for the treaty. The President of Egypt was assassinated. You are damn right they spent some of that money on arms.

Funny thing, but where did General Austin come before becoming Defense Secretary. Oh tight, he was on the board of defense contractors. You going to allege that Austin is an Oreo? If you do, I will have to report you to DHS or someone. You should not be a hater.

When Calpers or other retirement funds invest in defense contractors like Boeing, Honeywell, Google or others, they make damn sure that the black members 401Ks are not invested in those contractors. I have bene to college, I never ever saw one black person in any classes. So I know not one black person works for a defense contractor.

If I see a black person buy alcohol with food stamps, I am angry at Democrat Party voting douches like yourself 7:26. Trump had black unemployment down to 5% or 5.5% The next thing after you get unemployment lower than that by regulating immigration so there is wage pressure upward and people regardless of race are all making good money.

7:26 shit eater, food stamps went out the door over 2 decades ago. Now there are EBT cards. With an EBT card you cannot tell, unless yo shoulder surf and that would be quite rude. I take it you regularly transgress other people's personnel space. You are quite the ass clown.

Anonymous said...

No need to be so worked up 8:02.

Come the rapture you'll be the first one ascended.

See, you are one of the elect.

Anonymous said...

Such a nice put down. You thought you were clever. My immediate family has Roman Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists and Nons. You made big assumptions and face planted.
But it was to be. That is you were destined to face plant. You had to go with an ad hominem. After all you had not facts.

Anonymous said...

So what will happen to those people who actively participated in undermining US democracy and committing treasonous election theft, plunging your country into chaos?

Think 1 year jail time and then they'r good to go? Of course not. It means death. It's supposed to be death too, as there's no larger crime against a population and its will and destiny.

It's death, alright!

Anonymous said...

And the courts who didn't have the mustard to hear the election theft evidence, just because terrorists roamed your streets, should resign in disgrace.
When the nation was burning and a coup took place and innocent lives were lost, the courts let down your nation. In the time of need they were nowhere to be found.