Wednesday, May 19, 2021

President Biden's Navy Jokes Fall Flat At Coast Guard Cadets Graduation


Daily Mail: 'You're a really dull class. Come on, man': Joe's Navy jokes fall flat at Coast Guard cadets graduation as he tells them about the time he sprayed a dorm supervisor with a fire extinguisher in college 

* Biden flew to New London, Connecticut, where he delivered his first graduation speech as president 

* He upheld the tradition of absolving graduates of all 'minor infractions' 

* Then he referenced a college prank where he hosed down the head of his dorm with a fire extinguisher 

* After the crowd failed to respond to a joke about the Navy, he quipped: 'You’re a really dull class. I mean, come on, man, is the sun getting to you?' 

* En route, the White House confirmed Biden had phoned Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday morning 

* On Tuesday he flew to Michigan to tour a Ford plant where he was confronted by Rep. Rashida Tlaib 

Joe Biden told Coast Guard graduates that he was a prankster in college and then teased them for being 'a really dull class' when they didn't get a joke about the Navy during his first commencement speech as president. 

'As your commander in chief I've been looking forward to being able to do this for a long time. I want to keep the longstanding tradition: I hereby absolve all those serving restrictions [for] minor infractions – absolved' that might otherwise mar the records of graduating cadets, he told them.

'You have no idea how much I wish you’d have been able to do that in my graduation,' he joked. 'You all think I'm kidding. I'm not. Minor infractions like using a fire extinguisher to hose down an RA, but other than that ...' he said, alluding to a prank he carried out on his dorm advisor at the University of Delaware.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The President also thought it was cool to quote Mao Tse Tung's "women hold up half the sky" quote. See Tweet below:


Anonymous said...

Some demented people think he won the election, that the deep state and Democrat ghouls didn't steal it. That the vote anomalies, statistical impossiblities, the denial of access to poll watchers, the incredibly small crowds he pulled.. they believe that's all normal.

The reality is.. as long as cheating happens by their team, they turn a blind eye. That's the reality.

These ghouls that in the middle of the night pulled out ballot boxes with thousands of votes each -- in the key battle grounds...I hope they die a miserable death for destroying the last bits of democracy there were

Now the united states will plunge further and further into chaos, marxism and terror will spread.

Death to these monsters, thieves and corrupt swines. Hang them publicly to show that there's a line to cross and they crossed it so, so far

Jac said...

We have to expect worse things from Biden.

Anonymous said...

There many out and out communists in the Democrat Party from former representative Harold Ford to Anita Dunn.

You look at a Chinese person and they are quite proud of China. Mao's name comes up like never.

Biden's speech writers could have made the same point by quoting someone else. Instead the chose, they chose a Stalin class villain.

Anonymous said...

"Senior Member of CCP Think Tank Claims China Won Unprecedented Biological War Against the US in 2020 and “Put the US Back
in its Place”

Meanwhile Joe Jackass Biden is telling lame jokes.

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for him. He's not my president.

Anonymous said...

Biden is the president. If you think he did not win the electoral college vote, supply evidence. Did the gop people who got seats in the election do so illegally or was it only Biden who won illegally?
Time to stop dumb notions that Trump won. He did not. Prove otherwise. He lost the House; he lost the Senate; he lost the White House; he lost over 30 cases in the courts contesting the election with many of the judges in such hearings Trump appointed. Prove that he won. Your evidence!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my. Biden made a joke and it did not get huge laugh. So post that to make him look bad? Nope. Makes the site look silly.
ps: Biden, so often said without vigor, old etc is all over the nation doing the business of the nation and not spending all his time playing golf.

Anonymous said...

541 is a brainwashed lemming.

1. Poll watchers in 5 districts kicked out by Democrats. Happened to be the 5 decisive districts that Biden won by the smallest margin
2. Windows blocked
3. Poll watchers told to go home, then ON CAMERA a bunch of black women pulled out cases of unchecked votes in the middle of the night after telling poll watchers to go home
4. Statistical anomalies and impossiblities such as bell weather wins
5. Democrats to this day blocking oversight and recounts in eg Arizona
6. Suppression polls ahead of the election by all media, OFF by 16 points. That's more off than blindly guessing. It's suppression polls meant to make a candidate look like a throw away vote. Undemocratic. Corrupt. Thieves.
7. Media and big tech colluding ahead of the election to suppress crucial information about the Joe Biden China pay to play scheme, his daughter's accusations of molestation during showers, the impact it had on her life, his son's drug habit and the pedophelia with Chinese girls as young as 10 years old. Think voters shouldn't have known this?
8. The lies about Russia collusion that went on for years, unchecked, and plunged your country into political chaos
9. The Wuhan virus and PCR test lies, see Dr. Mullis and what he had to say about that demon Fauci. Dr. Mullis is the Nobel prize winner and inventor of the PCR test and warned in multiple interviews about not using his test for the detection of viral fragments. All ignored. He also conveniently died 1 year before the "outbreak"and the largest transfer of wealth in human history from west to east

Anonymous said...


It also explains the purge in the military trying to root out Republicans
It's a power grab by radical leftists.
Happened MANY times in many countries and there's substantial evidence
But just like in other fallen republics, courts don't want to touch it
The courts didn't even rule fairly in recent, smaller cases. Judges are humans too and blow with the wind

Biden is not and never will be my president, that pedophile, corrupt swine sold out American interest s for decades.

There are witnesses that came forward with records, everything. All ignored by the complicit corrupt media that should be hung publicly

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah write in all caps you demented fool and expect others to do your job and stand up against corruption.
But then again, I knew you smut website operator just love and can identify with pedo Biden. We all know, Fred. We all know

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Evidence of fraud in an election is NOT based on media stories and Hunter Biden gossip that never got an indictment and so all here is total bullshit: You do not provide evidence about the election result. the tallies, the electoral college!

Poll: Fewer Than Half Would Vote for Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

Anonymous said...

People use to line up outside court house in the south to sway jurors to convict black people. It was mob justice.

New day, but human psychology remains the same. The mob and causes have changed, but we still have people intimidating the courts.

The mobs in both cases are made up of Democrats.

The courts ruled you say. You had a point?

What was it? That you are smug, because you side has more numbers?

Dud, you better hope there is not a Hell.

Ph wait you said for all and sundry to see that you did not believe in G-d. What site was that again?

Maybe it explain your behaviour and low morals.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


fred said...


fred said...

Evidence Biden won
See congress electoral college jan six

Anonymous said...

Like a SCOTUS judge is ever going to admit to being afraid. When of if they do, it is over. They get fired.

Nice of you to get flushed out of the bushes. Not hard to get the yellow-belly sapsucker to break cover.

Anonymous said...

If you do a web search using the key words of "supreme court" and "intimidate", you find many news articles.

So I conclude that someone above is stupid, dishonest or trolling.

But what do you expect of a herd animal except bovine intelligence.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pedo Fred loves pedo Biden and will defend his president to the death (of the republic). That simple. You allowed evil to take over and other evil will come to help to try to spread more