Friday, May 21, 2021

Ronald Reagan, 77, Versus Joe Biden, 78.

WNU editor: No comparison.


Anonymous said...

Most votes for a president ever ehh?

Anonymous said...

I don't recall

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Pedo Biden, the corrupt guy who on record shipped your jobs to China, that guy that embarrasses himself constantly and no one takes seriously. That guy got 10 million more votes than Obama. Riiiight.

It's a coup

They've barricaded themselves

They come for your guns

They indoctrinated your children

They take your liberties

They target Jews and Christians

They want to replace religion with state party

They use the IRS and FBI to target political opponents

It's a coup

They're terrorists, promoting violence in your streets for political outcome

They've harassed and denied meaningful access to poll watchers

They purge the military of Republicans

They dismantle the police(a Republican stronghold) not because some black guys got killed. The data shows white people are just as likely to get killed.

They , together with MSM and big tech colluded to suppress crucial information about China pedo Biden ahead of the election

They used misleading PCR tests to amplify a panick about a virus'spread to then use unconstitutional mail in ballots

To this day these demons deny a vote recount and signature check and other audits

They've taken your most sacred right to vote and made a mockery of democracy. I'm from the UK, and even I saw the ladies in the middle of the night pull out those ballot boxes in key battle grounds


HANG THEM so that people see that there IS law and order. Otherwise, if they get away with this coup, the United states will see brain drain and capital drain as law is applied unevenly. I'm moving my company most likely now and I know of friends who're thinking the same.

You must stop them

Anonymous said...

8:42 stick it up your ass, so it can keep your cell phone company. Id do not give a fuck that you are butt hurt over Iran Contra. The Sandinistas are back in charge gain. and just royally fuckling things up and being hypocrites. Your support of them is not a funny ha ha moment. You might want to consider that fact.

Will you be staying at Comrade Daniel Ortega's hacienda?

Anonymous said...

Because one was respected, loved the military. Biden has no respect and hates the military. Gets what he deserves.