Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Main-Stream Media Narrative On A China Covid-19 Lab-Leak Is Changing

Security personnel keep watch outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology during a World Health Organization visit in February. Photograph: Thomas Peter/Reuters  

Zero Hedge: WaPo Head 'Fact Checker' Glenn Kessler Heckled Over Lab-Leak Flip-Flop 

With the COVID-19 'lab leak' theory finally gaining mainstream legitimacy following recent reports from the Wall Street Journal, and an admission by Anthony Fauci that he's now open to the possibility, formerly smug establishment 'fact checkers' are now scrambling to salvage their reputations after categorically dismissing a lab leak as a 'debunked conspiracy theory.' 

The latest 'fact checker' to bend the knee is the Washington Post's Glenn Kessler - who last year issued a snarky tweet to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in response to Cruz accusing WaPo of "abandoning all pretenses of journalism to produce CCP propaganda" in response to Kessler promoting a video suggesting that an accidental lab leak was 'doubtful.'  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: You have to wonder if the media narrative to condemn anyone and everyone who discussed the possibility of a lab-leak had more to do with disparaging President Trump who was making similar claims .... How the Liberal Media Dismissed the Lab-Leak Theory and Smeared Its Supporters (Jonathan Chait, New Yorker).  

Update: I have to ask the question. Is VOX the only media outlet that is "editing" what they wrote last year? (see below0:

Update #2: China is continuing to deny, deny, deny ..... China rejects report of sick staff at Wuhan lab prior to Covid outbreak (The Guardian).


Anonymous said...

When you despise someone, think they are habitual liar or slow, you might utter this ancient American saying:

"If 'So & So' said the sun was up, I would go out and check"

Now, we have a new American phenomena. Some people are so deranged that when their hated opponent says "The Sun is up.", they would check, see that it is up, and then convince themselves and their friends that it was really the moon.

Masses of people are that mentally ill.

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away."
― Elvis Presley

Unknown said...

Possibilities are that the establishment media lied because they..
A) Wanted to discredit Trump as part of the propaganda campaign for him to lose the Presidential election.
B) Knew that there was an accidental leak of an artificially altered virus or Bioweapon & did not wish a general war to break out.
C) Knew a Bioweapon was deliberately unleashed upon the rest of the world by the CCP & did not wish a general war to break out.
I wonder which establishment media companies in the West engaged in the reporting recieved money from the CCP?
Keep ducking 🙈

RussInSoCal said...

Chalk up another "Big Lie" from the Democrat Media.

Russian Collusion
Steele Dossier
Bret Kavanaugh
Jussie Smollet
Covington Kids
Russian Bounties
Wuhan Lab/Flu

anon said...

So it should now be ok if we call it the "Chinese Flu."

Anonymous said...

We can call it the

South African variant
Indian Variant
UK variant,

but don't you dare call it the Wuhan or Chinese flu or liberals will be all over you like white on rice.

Anonymous said...

Problem is the narrative is policed by the likes of cyber secruity experts, advertising agencies and political elite all of whom have no grasp of science. While its very common to find reports about covid19 cant be man made, its has no back bone. But when a Chinese Scientists who claims to have worked on the virus specifcally states the backbone, the method, then those policing the likes of misinformantion have no concept of if its correct and thus censor it anyway because who doesn't enjoy admin abuse?