Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Top Australian General Says Conflict With China A ‘High Likelihood’

Major General Adam Findlay says Australia must prepare for the high likelihood tensions with China may spill over into actual conflict.Credit:ADF  

The Age: Conflict with China a ‘high likelihood’, says top Australian general 

One of the nation’s top military commanders told his troops that Beijing is already engaged in “grey zone” warfare against Australia and they must plan for the high likelihood this may spill over into actual conflict in the future. 

The candid and confidential briefing by Major-General Adam Findlay to Australia’s special forces soldiers last year gives the most detailed insight yet made public into how the nation’s top military planners view the threat of China. 

The then-special forces commander, who has since stepped down but who still advises the Australian Defence Force, highlighted the steps Australia’s military was taking to prevent war but also described a “high likelihood” that actual conflict could break out due to the unpredictable nature of foreign affairs. 

“Who do you reckon the main [regional] threat is?” General Findlay asked his troops and officers before answering: “China”.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Australia's bark is worse than its bite ..... Australia's China war drums more sound than fury (Asia Times). 

More News On Australia's Top General Saying Conflict With China A ‘High Likelihood’  

Inside the secret briefing from a top Australian military general as he warned troops of an all-out WAR with China - saying conflict is 'highly likely' -- Daily Mail  

Military commander tells dark story about the threat from China -- Sydney Morning Herald 

Leak of Australian commander’s China comments fuels further talk of war -- SCMP 

‘High likelihood’ of war with China, top Australian general warned in leaked briefing to troops -- The SUN


Anonymous said...

Australia has 8 frigates and 6 subs plus some other stuff. If you add their fleet to the fleets of Japan , New Zealand, Vietnam, India, The Phillipines and Taiwan, it starts to add up.

You have to look at the aggregate not how many one fleet leaves something to be desired.

Or it could be ABDA Part Duh!

Jon said...

Australia weak deterrent is not the point. The article was leaked. What good is a commander if he/she ( not it ) doesn’t focus on the real threat. Any commander in any country worth their salt will train for the threat regardless. Many Chinese prosper in Australia and walk freely without harassment that is a fact. Why do Australian special forces feel the need to focus on china while so many Chinese happily prosper in the country is a better question not why the threat is being trained for.

Jon said...

Well i fukd the last sentence but you all get my point I’m sure.