Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tweets Of the Day


RussInSoCal said...

Pelosi finally says something I agree with. The US should boycott the Chinese Winter Olympics. Totally. No Gov't heads, no US tourists and no US athletes.



Anonymous said...

I thought the very same. First time I agree with this demon

Anonymous said...

"Pelosi calls for China Winter Olympics boycott"

Day late, Dollar short.

The best time to have gotten tough with China was around 2010 about the trade deficit. With or without the trade imbalance in China s favor, China would have grown. But they would not have grown so fast to believe their shit did not stink.

A trade balance that was even or slightly in China's favor would be good.

The helluva it was that, because Republicans were trade hawks, the Democrats and their asinine media buddies had to take the other side. It was reflexive. Robert Reich is a case in point. He argues it is not a big deal or something along those lines and all the little Democrats get the memo and march off into combat against the Republican in holy war.

Without the 200 to 300 billion every year, they would not be able to fund as many influence operations in the US or build as many naval vessels.

Nancy Pelosi is 10 to 20 tears to late in take a tough line. When it comes to China, Nancy has spent 1/3rd to 2/rds of her political life jacking around.

None of that witch's brood will be affected by any war in the near term with China. The witch is likely to pass on of natural causes in a few years before the chickens come home to roost. She literally has no skin in the game.

Anonymous said...

Correct. And ironically team Biden (but also "Republicans in name only" like Mitt Romney) promoted offshoring and outsourcing for decades to China.
This was all based on McKinsey's consulting operations that first came up with this idea.
Trillions(!!!) Lost, immeasurable damage to national security.. and what happened to Bain capital, McKinsey, Romney and Biden?

They all failed up and became vastly rich while committing treason.